
Americans are overwhelmingly polarized over ongoing presidential election campaigns. The choice is going to be between Donald Trump – an oligarch accused of disregarding the interests of minorities, and Hillary Clinton – an utterly disgraced public servant too unqualified and incompetent to even serve at the lowest possible grade in the US State Department. But, between the two, one has already clearly…

Whatever you may think of it, everyone – politicians most of all – must respect the Brexit vote. The British people are not a bunch of children who need to be stood in the corner by know-it-all politicians because they voted “wrong”. They have voted, albeit by a slim margin, to no longer be part of the European Union. As far…

In my experience (oh the irony…), there is a battle of experience vs knowledge. As someone who studied International Relations at university, but has little to no political experience or travel history abroad, I may seem like someone right out of an ivory tower. This would be a good ad hominem against me in a…

Immanuel Wallerstein asserted in a recent post that the gap between American power and political rhetoric is growing. This can be related to the the Syrian problem at the heart of current US foreign policy. The US is no longer the dominant power in the world. However, it refuses to accept this, International Relations expert Wallerstein wrote at the start of June.…

Let us think about anarchism, anger and anti-statism. Most people’s view of anarchism is that it is an angry, impassioned plea for governments to be disbanded or overthrown. It has no plan and has not thought the consequences through. If brought up among the average group of intelligent people at the top of any profession, anarchism is…

Separation of church and state is often triumphed by self-labeled liberals in the US when it comes to keeping religion out of the law. When it comes to keeping the state out of faith, self-labeled conservatives will themselves fall back on the separation of church and state, the United States Constitution, specifically the establishment clause…

A project to resurrect the dead using science has gained quite a bit of publicity recently and deserves at least one mention at Beliefnet. What is most intriguing is that this project isn’t just about resuscitating people who are clinically brain-dead, but about regenerating actual dead tissue, effectively turning a corpse into a living person. That is…

I’m continuing to work at my audio version of Catalyst: A Techno-Liberation Thesis (2013). Everything will progress and it should be completed soon. I’ve also got a copy of Center for a Stateless Society’s (C4SS) Kevin Carson’s book The Homebrew Industrial Revolution. Although I am not under any illusions that my very basic and amateurish…

Heat death is the point at which all energy in the universe is “used” and nothing can happen. Everything goes dark again – forever? The Lifeboat Foundation includes the heat death of the universe on its list of top existential threats to humanity. This creeping darkness may be certain, or it may never happen. Should our civilization prepare…

With British politics ablaze in accusations that Labour Party members are “anti-Semitic”, this post will take a brief look at this grave and controversial subject. The remarks react to comments by Ken Livingstone (former London Mayor), Naz Shah, as well as a whole plethora of people who were voicing anti-Israel views related mostly to the conflict in the West Bank and…

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