Lessons from a Recovering Doormat

Many self-help books and speakers encourage becoming your own best friend. It sounds good but it’s harder to implement. When I was a DoorMat, I kissed up to everyone but couldn’t figure out how to be a friend to me. My focus was on pleasing others. Be my own best friend? It sounded like a…

Last week I wrote an Can You Really Live by the Grace of Passion? I said that I’d post more specific tips for finding your passions, so here they are as promised. I use the plural of passion since like me, you can have many. Finding your passion is not about just one thing. It…

I’ve written about Brit before. One keeps hearing about how low she keeps sinking. People reach out to her. And now, her dirty family laundry is being aired, giving obvious clues about why Brit keeps taking the low road. So what’s a pop princess to do? I’ve always said I have compassion for Britney Spears.…

According to Gawker, John Fitzgerald Page is the worst person in the world. Why? Because he wrote some mean, arrogant things to a woman who winked at him on Match.com. His email response extolled how wonderful he is and sounded more like a resume than a friendly note. After reading the email he sent she…

I’ve been taking control of my body and lowering my cholesterol without meds. I do my best to eat healthy. But, when I spent a few days at my sister’s home in the Berkshire Mountains, I ate whatever I wanted. I mean serious piggy time. Double my portions. Cheese, which I love, but don’t eat…

I’ll be away for the long weekend and won’t be posting again till next week. I wanted to wish everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving, and the hope that you’ll find LOTS of things to be thankful for! Why I’m Grateful (just a few of the gassillion things I could list if I had more more time)My…

With Thanksgiving coming up, I had to join all the other bloggers who are writing about gratitude. I’m always blown away by the extent to which having gratitude attracts more goodies. While it’s good to give thanks on the holiday, you shouldn’t limit it to one day. Holidays are a nice reminder, but don’t save…

Can You Really Live by the Grace of Passion? Absolutely YES! I read a post last week at Tom Volkar’s blog, Delightful Work, called Work as Play? It opened with the question, “Have you yet found work that is so delightful that you’d do it for free?” Like me, Tom is his own boss. Also…

Happiness seems like such a simple concept, yet so many folks walk around unhappy. We often lose sight of what it actually is. When I was a DoorMat, happiness meant having a good day, not getting hurt, getting attention from someone I thought I needed, or being with a guy I liked and feeling complete…

Last night on Boston Legal (one of my favorite shows!), Denny Crane got sued by a lawyer who he fired for being fat. Every time he nonchalantly referred to her as FAT, I cringed. This sweet but pudgy character didn’t flinch at hurling insult after insult as facts that gave him license to be verbally…

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