Lessons from a Recovering Doormat

Whether you celebrate Christmas or not, enjoy the season! People are in better moods around this time and more conscious of the spirit of giving. That’s great to experience, no matter what your religious beliefs. Besides the religious aspects, there are many things to celebrate this week, no matter what your religion, or lack of…

I was recently interviewed for First Wives World by its founder, Debbie Nigro. The topic was 5 Ways to Stay Positive During the Holidays. My first suggestion? Why worry about staying positive when the holidays are fun!?! So, dance through them, even if you don’t have a romantic partner. We often use a romantic partner…

People sometimes tease me for my super positive attitude. I get bah-humbugs when I try to encourage certain folks and find it soooooooooo sad, since they are choosing to be unhappy. I truly don’t get it but I guess some folks have had bad times and can’t get past them to wrap their heads around…

Cleaning is my favorite tool because it’s do-able! Eliminating clutter gives you more room for new stuff. Cleaning is an easy, therapeutic way to improve life. I used to be a terrible clutter-holic. When I didn’t respect myself, I didn’t respect my possessions or living space. Now that I do, I enjoy cleaning and clearing…

Often we look at a negative situation as a whole, instead of paying attention to its parts and trying to find the blessings they can become. Nowadays my strong spirituality helps me to know that everything happens for a reason. Since I left DoorMatville, I try to look for the blessings in all circumstances. Life…

I’m a freelancer. No salary or benefits. According to people who see how I live, no security. But, I feel very secure because my spiritual mindset is strong. The Law of Attractions supports my thoughts and brings me whatever I need, because I expect it to come!http://www.blogger.com/img/gl.link.gifI hear people concerned about money: * “I’ll get…

Carol Ekarius is a freelance writer who lives in the mountains of Colorado with her husband, Ken. They live off the grid, raise animals, and have a large, organic garden. Carol has become an advocate for spreading awarenes about how chemicals are impacting our health. She writes on a variety of topics related to her…

You may have heard that Jennifer Love Hewitt was vacationing with her boyfriend and the paparazzi nailed her in a swimsuit. It was all over the news, much like the pics of Tyra Banks in a swimsuit a while back. They took unflattering close-ups of body parts that weren’t perfect. Bloggers had a field day…

‘Tis the season to be jolly! Yet many of our military personnel are living in awful conditions on behalf of our country. I talked about the importance of gratitude last month. I’ve experienced the blessings of giving back, many times over. Here’s an opportunity to support the men and women who far from home during…

I consider most of what keeps us from being as self-empowered as possible—bad habits. Many develop while growing up but can happen any time you do something over and over until it becomes automatic. When I decided to stop being a DoorMat, I worked on breaking the habits that hurt my self-image. Breaking habits feels…

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