Is it the End of the World?

Media seem to largely exist today to feed the advertising revenue monster. Getting “clicks” and engaging a wider readership is priority no. 1. Reporting meaningful information? Probably not so much. A new report by CBS News ramps-up the fearmongering—as if we needed more of that in this Age of Weirdness—and it does so by unintentionally…

One of the most remarkable prophecies in the Bible is found in Micah 5:2. But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting. Micah…

In some sense, it’s like that night never ended. I can see commandos still spilling out of a transport plane, at midnight, in a far-off land. They are tense, but ready. Near the shores of Uganda’s Lake Victoria, an Israeli rescue force had come to grab 100 Jewish hostages from the hands of desperate and…

Hollywood screenwriter William Goldman was famous for saying, “Nobody knows anything.” The writer of The Princess Bride and All The President’s Men meant that in his profession, no one knew whether a film would do well or not. No one. Our forward-looking vision is so limited. Goldman’s sentiment perfectly fits one of the Bible’s most…

With the recent rocket attacks originating in Hamas-controlled-Gaza, one can legitimately ask, “How long before the international community gets the terror group in its sights, rather than Israel.” On the heels of the 400 rockets, a UN committee cited Israel for nine—9—condemning resolutions. This is unconscionable. Anti-Semitism is on the rise globally, in some places…

Recently I had the great privilege of speaking with Gen. William “Jerry” Boykin, a true American patriot. A member of Delta Force, Boykin is now retired from active duty and serves as executive vice president of the Family Research Council. I asked him about what he sees as challenges and also optimism about America in…

One of the aspects of Israel’s richness as a global, cultural marvel is that the jewel of the Middle East attracts a diverse community dedicated to her eternal health. Influential people around the world do their individual bits to accomplish that goal, and Colette Phillips is one who shines in her chosen role. The native…

“…I entered the city officially at noon, 11 December, with a few of my staff, the commanders of the French and Italian detachments, the heads of the political missions, and the Military Attaches of France, Italy, and America… The procession was all afoot, and at Jaffa gate I was received by the guards representing England,…

One of the great New Testament declarations can be found in Matthew 24:14. And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations… Jesus was clear that some would be tasked with proclaiming the Good News (“The Gospel”) locally, and some globally. Think of your local…

Television is still good for something, and recently I watched an offering from Netflix: “The Eichmann Show.” Based on a true story—the trial of the SS beast Adolf Eichmann, tasked with a key role in implementing the Nazis’ “final solution” to murder Europe’s Jews—the 2015 movie was exactly like the trial itself: you couldn’t stop…

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