One of the great New Testament declarations can be found in Matthew 24:14.

And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations…

Jesus was clear that some would be tasked with proclaiming the Good News (“The Gospel”) locally, and some globally. Think of your local opportunities, then think of Billy Graham. In God’s economy, one is not “better” than the other, and those of us who identify as Christian would do well to remember that.

In some rare cases, people can perhaps do both!

One of the great contemporary stories in Christendom is found in a small town in northwest Arkansas, Berryville. A place that Norman Rockwell might have found to his liking, Berryville is home to the usual suspects: local characters, local character, high school football, Christmas parades, and a lot more.

It is also the home base for Kerusso, the world’s largest Christian apparel company. In fact, “Kerusso” is Greek for “preach.” It is an apt name for the 30-year-old company, founded by Vic Kennett.

Here at Christmas, Kerusso’s team, producing t-shirts and other product bearing Scripture, helps locals such as Grace Baptist Church in nearby Rogers provide gifts to children who otherwise would not have an opportunity to give presents.
Arlene Clark, director of Children’s Ministries and Missions, and director of A Christmas to Remember at Grace, is beyond pleased with the program’s 11-year history.

“Each year, thousands in our community struggle to provide Christmas gifts for their families. ‘A Christmas to Remember’ helps to relieve this burden for hundreds of families in our community.”

“We must rely on the compassion and support of organizations, vendors and individuals to help fill the need. Items for men, women, teens, children and babies are needed…as well as stocking stuffers, snack items, wrapping paper and gift bags/boxes.”

"A Christmas to Remember" is a real gift to so many!
“A Christmas to Remember” is a real gift to so many!

This year, Kerusso donated 144 youth shirts to the program.
“We are thrilled to again be partnering with Grace Baptist Church and their ‘Christmas to Remember’ program,” Kennett says. “We hope our shirts will be meaningful gifts for kids to give their families this season!”

It’s a program anyone can be part of, and like the Samaritan’s Purse program that places gift packages for children around the world, the Christmas to Remember program at Grace does enormous good.

That’s not nearly the only impact the good folks at Kerusso are doing.

John Rankin is a retired missionary who operated a successful Christian bookstore and ministry on the South Pacific island of Samoa. It’s really a remarkable story and as Providence would have it, Kerusso plays a part here, as well.

In the Rankin family’s two decades on Samoa, Kerusso product was distributed to islanders, who proudly wear the shirts, thus proclaiming the Gospel and fulfilling in a really cool way Matthew 24:14.

The Rankins' store on Samoa, featuring Christmas displays.
The Rankins’ store on Samoa, featuring Christmas displays.

(The London Missionary Society began proclaiming the Gospel on Samoa in 1830.)

Vic Kennett is humbled to operate a global company that proclaims Jesus near and far.

“The Rankins’ story from Samoa really blesses us! The whole team at Kerusso is happy to hear that our shirts and product met their needs, and that the Gospel was spread in such a far-off spot. Whether we are shipping orders a couple hours away, or to the South Pacific, our goal is to honor God.”
They do that, helping to sustain a mandate given 2,000 years ago.

He is the Reason for the Season!

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