With the recent rocket attacks originating in Hamas-controlled-Gaza, one can legitimately ask, “How long before the international community gets the terror group in its sights, rather than Israel.”

Israeli soldiers stand guard in Jerusalem's Old City.
Israeli soldiers stand guard in Jerusalem’s Old City.

On the heels of the 400 rockets, a UN committee cited Israel for nine—9—condemning resolutions. This is unconscionable. Anti-Semitism is on the rise globally, in some places at pre-World War 2 levels.

No matter what response Israel decides on, the Jewish state will be condemned. Now comes word that a handful of new voice in the U.S. Congress will advocate for Hamas. It is also quite telling to watch some who identify as evangelical Christian (Millennials) also condemn Israel, while remaining silence about attacks against Jews.

One wonders how long God will allow this to continue.

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