The day after I retain my attorney I am singing in the shower. My first thought – oh my gosh, I remember this! I always used to sing in the shower. I had forgotten. I tell my sister. “That’s nice,” she says. “Only it’s going to get so much worse before it gets better.” My…

Any one who knows me will tell you that I have always been a cup is half full kinda girl. They will also tell you that my cup went from ‘runneth over’ to spilled, dumped, evaporated or a liquid ‘desert.’ I went from emotionally hydrated to emotionally dehydrated. It has taken me a long time…

I squeeze beside my sister on the couch. Kathy’s new house overflows with moving boxes. I watch as she sifts through a bag of objects. She snatches an item, inspects it, and then directs it to the proper pile. I am eager to see what will stay and what will go. The younger sister, I…

Alabama football coach, Nick Saban has been called a perfectionist. In an interview with 60 Minutes on CBS, “Saban preached to his players. Don’t worry about winning, just focus on doing your job at the highest level, every single play, and the wins will follow.” I watch the interview with fascination because as a marketer…

I pick my son Danny up from the house of a friend. The car is quiet. “I love you,” says Danny. He shakes his head back and forth with awareness of the words that have just left his mouth. “That’s a habit I picked up from you,” he says with some teenage agony. “One of…

I drive towards town. The air is colder than the past few days and it suits my morning mood. I fiddle with the radio not able to find a song that I like. I hear the hypnotic voice of Stevie Nicks. She is singing “Landslide” and the car fills with more stillness than it already…

I loved high school. It was a time of emerging independence, life innocence and forever friendships. A period of explosive emotional growth while my friends and I were growing comfortable in our own skin. It was football games and basketball and rugby. It was passing notes that we prayed weren’t intercepted by the guy we…

I flop onto my couch, put my computer on my lap and my cold pressed (carrot, cucumber, orange and ginger) juice on the table beside me. I start to watch television much like the rest of us do today, constantly distracted by my laptop. My eyes turn towards the fire fading in my fireplace. The…

I am a writer. I am also a marketer. This is my world view. I am all about stories and connecting the dots from beginning to end. I am also about problem solving and connecting the dots until something is made profitable and works even better than it once did. I now see relationships through…

It is late and the moon peaks out slightly from the dark sky. I toss and turn and then grab for my phone. I shouldn’t leave it resting on the bedside table. A poor habit which makes it even more difficult to find sleep each night. I start typing column notes into my phone. I…

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