God's Comic

Old people fall down a lot. I use the word “old” by the way because the PCeople tell me I can’t so I have no choice. Anyways they’re covered in bruises and splints, and surrounded by casts and canes. Is this what we have to look forward to as we enter our golden years? We…

When Adam and Eve fell from grace after eating from the tree of good and evil, one of the “evil” things they came to realize was they were naked. I don’t know exactly why being naked with your wife while being the only humans on earth would be considered evil? It seems to me it…

I come from a different age. Sure things may be “safer” nowadays, but they are definitely less enjoyable. Today’s kids have grown up in an age of paranoia. When I was growing up one of the things that passed for fun was lying out in the sun. We actually used the phrase ” I’m gonna…

Every good show on T.V. warns the viewers that the amazing, unpredictable, exciting and dangerous thing they are about to do should never be attempted by the rest of us. These are trained professionals. There is though one major flaw in their reasoning. The reason why these guys got good at what they’ re demo-ing,…

I have been a Christian all of my adult life and yet, to date, I have never placed a fish symbol on my car. I guess I never really understood the underlying “witness” to displaying the symbol. I think of all the things I can’t do, or shouldn’t, based on the fact that I am…

I have complained about the lack of turn signals being used in America in one of my DVD’s awhile back. (Which one I’m unsure of as believe it or not I forget half the stuff I do on an old album cause I’m always working on a new one.) I was really flabbergasted though as…

Twas the first week of the New Year and all through the house there were ruined new toys and a returnable blouse. The kids back to school with a long heavy sigh and momma and me without guilt said goodbye. The take down of nativities and tinsel and trees and the sweeping and dusting while…

Around this time of year we always comment that another year has come and gone. But has it really? I mean we have arbitrarily created the calendar year based on the earth’s rotation around the sun or something to that effect. But just because it does rotate consistently doesn’t mean we had to choose that…

I came across a classic Christmas song the other day and after examining the words I have come to realize how easily humans accept ideas at face value without scrutinizing them for philosophical and/or cultural flaws. The song I’m referring to of course is “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer”. Here are the lyrics with my copious…

It snowed last night. Snow is a curse. Snow is evil. Snow is what happens when the atmosphere solidifies and falls on your head. Snow is Chicken Little’s justification. Snow falls from the heavens and smothers the earth. It is cold, wet, and slippery. There is no upside to walking in snow. It gets in…

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