God's Comic

Being married 18 years I am shocked and amazed that I have lasted this long as a human without having a wife. Being married to a woman teaches you just how much you don’t know about life, living and survival in the real world. If you don’t believe me, just ask her. Actually that is…

One question, if I “go green” does that also mean I also have to lose my dignity? I was driving today on the freeway and saw a car next to me called the “Cube”. At first I felt sorry for the driver as I assumed there was a circus in town and the clown car…

I have always been attracted to mavericks. It’s just the way I roll. One of the central themes to my speaking and performing as a Christian comedian is to drive home the point that we believers come in a lot of flavors. One of the “flavors” I have been a friend with for a few…

I went to the Dr. the other day because my wife said there was a spot on my nose and I should have him look at it. Wives after all these years are still incredibly naïve when it comes to male health. The first rule of thumb is always “ if there is something on…

Heard a guy whistling at the airport the other day. Americans used to whistle a lot more especially in movies. Humphrey Bogart, Jimmy Cagney, Jimmy Stewart were all whistlers and it even seemed particularly masculine. I don’t know when whistling stopped or why. Was it custom that died out because others grew annoyed at the…

One of the easiest phrases to roll off the tongue of an American is when speaking of our “rights”. I have the “right” to freedom of speech based on the 1st amendment. I have the “right” to pursue life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I have the “right” to believe in whatever God I…

There are many terms used in the Christian world that sound good but often times don’t actually mean what they say. I would like to explore some of these but since these columns are limited to around 500 words let me start with these two. The first one is a phrase every Christian has used…

I’ve learned something quite revealing and disturbing about myself in recent times. I have a real problem loving people I disagree with. I suppose that isn’t much of a revolutionary concept in the end. I am sure everyone born with the same affliction I have (being human) are in the same boat. The problem is…

I just spent some time in southern CA because if there is one thing I can’t get enough of its pretentiousness. No matter how worldly and self-indulgent I am at times (as in I can’t count that high) I have reconciled the fact that I am after all a sinner saved by grace. The good…

Just finished shopping at Publix here in Nashville. Publix is a grocery store that is way over priced but its worth it because they taught all their employees to fake the fact that they care you’re there. As I was leaving I had no less than 4 employees tell me to have a nice day…

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