Angel Guidance

Transformation symbols, visions, and signs are all around! These signal times of great change and that is exactly what most of you have been experiencing in big ways. There has been a lot of changes going on and the angels say to expect more to come your way. We are in a time of great…

Today’s Christmas message is one of support and love from the angels. We have been going through huge shifts lately and many of you have been feeling a bit ‘raw’ as you learn how to be in this new energy, exposed like never before! It is getting easier to feel the support from your angels and guides.…

Are my loved ones in Heaven safe, and are they with me? This is a common questions I am asked, and more often at Christmas. The Christmas season seems to be a harder time for many to miss those who are no longer here with us so I asked the angels to give us a…

How do I know if I am receiving messages from Spirit or my Angels and not just wishful thinking? This is a common question and one that can be a challenge because it can be something you really, really want, it feels so good and the visions, thoughts, and feelings all feel so right. Yet, nothing…

As we draw nearer to the ending of 2018, your angel guidance is to look at your completions. Review the year and see the gifts and release what isn’t working so you can move into 2019 unencumbered by the past. This has been a year of growth and yet at times it feels like it has…

Another fantastic idea for the holiday season is Inviting Angels over for the holidays is a great way to bless your house.  Since this is the month that many of us celebrate Christmas, we thought it would be a lovely gesture to invite the Angels into your home for the holiday season. I did this…

What a fantastic Idea for the Advent season. Doesn’t really matter what your belief system is, there isn’t any better way to be more ‘christ’ like than making a point each day to participate in an action of kindness. Credit for starting this amazing idea is Christopher Allen on You Tube I saw this floating…

Is your mindset programmed for Poverty Consciousness? If so, how can we change that so our thoughts, feelings, and results are geared to Abundant thinking and Abundant Results! If you see no way out or that things are never going to change, then you have poverty consciousness. The only way out of this to learn…

Sometimes during high energetic times, the empaths want to run and hide. They are used to trying to survive instead of thrive in the world. We are here today to give you some tools to help you master the energetic world you are so sensitive to. This sense is only going to get stronger, so…

Understanding the Earth Cycles helps you successfully navigate your own cycles so tune into the energy and see where it takes you. You are preparing for a new cycle of the solstice so that is a fantastic time to review and plan the seeds of what you would like to manifest over the next quarter.…

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