As parents, we spend a fair amount of time agonizing over our mistakes. Certainly, we would have done many things differently. If only we hadn’t been grown children ourselves when we made our relationship choices and eventually married. Most of us had no idea our marriages would end. If we had, we wouldn’t have walked…

Ineffective and poor communication can complicate even the greatest relationships. After the intoxicating infancy of love makes way for the mundane, connecting can be difficult. Our relationship choices stem from our past. We are initially drawn to individuals who are familiar to us in some manner. People who somehow resemble our family of origin. Hence,…

I sit on the bank of a river eagerly awaiting the arrival of my nephew’s beautiful bride. Somewhere over the Rainbow flows through the air as she makes her way down the grand staircase of her family home. It is a magical moment. One where love makes itself known. It is their very own beginning.…

A lot is written about narcissism. However, because this has become a trendy buzzword, not all information is accurate. The word narcissist is being confused with simply selfish or egocentric behavior. When in fact, it is a severe personality disorder that goes far beyond an individual having a few self-centric ways. The following piece written…

Love is confusing. Logic might say it’s because it involves not just matters of the heart but two different people. And that would be true. But what makes it even more baffling is somehow we mistakenly think we can do the work of two people. This bears repeating…we believe we can do the work of…

I recently received an email from someone who had read my column 5 Indicators That Someone You Love Doesn’t Care About You. It got me thinking. Why is it we place so much importance on relationship words rather than relationship actions? I certainly did. Case in point. I remember years ago sitting at lunch with three…

I belong to a Facebook group called Parentless Parents started by my friend and author Allison Gilbert. I first connected with Allison many years ago when she interviewed me for one of her books.  There is a common theme amongst us Parentless Parents. We are hyper-conscious of this thing called ‘time.’ It’s hard not to be…

It’s undeniable many of our relationship decisions are rooted in our childhood. And yes, it’s good to learn about why we make the choices we make, what influences shaped us, etc. But sometimes we just need to cut ourselves a break.  We were babies after all. At least the majority of us, when we were making…

I am at a loss for words. I am not sure whether to say I am exhausted, nostalgic, somewhat sad or relieved. What I can say with certainty is I am at peace. The kind of serenity which comes with finally accomplishing what I set out to do some five years ago. First though, let…

You never quite know where inspiration will hail from. Even the front seat view of a drive-thru Mcdonald’s. I couldn’t help but think… My relationship was more like a fast food drive-thru than a sit-down diner. There is nothing like a good analogy though I’m sure you didn’t see fast food dining meets relationships coming your…

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