Our Lady of Weight Loss

People tell me that there’s just no time to take care of their self. People say that there’s no time to do the things that they need to do to be fully happy and healthy. They tell me that they simply “can’t, can’t, can’t” do much, if not anything at all for their self, because…

Imperfection or perfectionism comes up quite a lot in my work. People tell me that they are perfectionists. I encourage them to strive to be comfortable with imperfection; to see the beauty in flawed. In other words, instead of experiencing imperfection as a shortcoming, a deficiency and/or weakness, why not see it and feel it…

Music is powerful. A true gift that keeps on giving.  Music activates the same feel good center of your brain that food does!  Here, 5 ways that music can positively affect you! 1. Listen to music: Lose weight. (Wow, that was easy!) And … there’s more . . . 2. Fight Off the Common Cold:…

I was working with a client this morning who happened to be having a particularly tough day.  She was suffering. As we did our best to unpack, look at and ultimately work through her suffering; she let it go, which left her free to enjoy her day! Here… 10 Simple Steps: How to Survive a…

People often begin their journey on the road to Sveltesville without fully knowing how they are going reach their goal(s). They “decide” to go on a “diet.” They want to lose weight. They are willing to change their relationship with food, but they haven’t truly thought through the specifics of a solid, sustainable, “how to”…

The great teachers tell us that you cannot start seeing or understanding anything when you start with “No.” “Why is that?” you ask. Because… …Starting with “Yes” does not mean that you jump in happily with a perfect 2-foot landing. “Yes” is about acceptance, which means you abandon labels (like lazy), and you attempt to…

Our body image (a.k.a. body esteem) is the picture we have of our physical body. It is an inner view of our outer self. It is formed by our awareness, imagination and emotions. It is ever shifting. Our body esteem not only depends upon our pant size or the number that registers on the “scales…

If there was a miracle tonight, as in right now, how would you know? If there was a miracle tonight, perhaps unfolding in all its glory while you were sleeping, and you woke up to a world to your specifications, to your liking, just the way you want it, how would you know that a…

This week’s Get Jiggy Sunday JigSaw Weight Loss Puzzle entitled “Dogs Listen” was inspired by the most adorable gaggle of dogs that jumped into the water fountain at St. Phillips Square in Tucson today, who clearly were not listening!  Bravo Doggies!!! As you click through “Dogs Listen,” listen…to your inner voice! Then send “Dogs Listen-the…

At the age of 91, Jean Nidetch, the founder of Weight Watchers, died today (Wednesday, April 29). Reportedly a compulsive eater, overeater, closet eater, yo-yo dieter, who was addicted to cookies, Jean struggled with her weight until one fateful day in 1961 when she bumped into a neighbor at the supermarket who innocently inquired, “When…

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