Our Lady of Weight Loss

Is your Mouth of Chi blocked, cluttered or just plain messy?  The Mouth of Chi* is a term used in Feng Shui*.   It references your front door, the primary point of entry into your home (or office or cubicle), whether you favor that door or another.   The Mouth of Chic is much like our physical…

Dearest Tushkateers, Devotees of Our Lady of Weight Loss, any and all who aspire to be positive, spread joy and live a happier life, I invite you to be an oxygen giving tree, which is far more gratifying and easier to do than you might think. First, read this oxygen giving quote. Please. A person…

How many of y’all weigh yourself the minute your feet hit the floor in the morning? Needless to say, if you are going to weigh yourself, do it first thing in the morning, when you are on “empty” … before you drink, eat or even breathe in too much air! And – oh sure –…

What does your body have to say about what you are eating? How often does the sight or smell of food drown out your body's words of wisdom?

Label Me Quirky: Last week, while “networking” (as they say) at a “wellness event,” I took note of the way I introduced myself to my fellow attendees. “Hi, I am Janice Taylor. I am a life and wellness coach, a hypnotherapist, author of the Our Lady of Weight Loss books, creator of the Kick in…

Get ready People! Here, today, right NOW, Our Lady of Weight Loss has instructed me to share with you the most amazing, delicious and healthy muffins in the history of Zucchini Carrot Muffins!  Get your ingredients together, preheat, mix, bake and enjoy!  Ingredients: 1 cup whole wheat flour 1/2 tsp baking powder 1/2 tsp baking…

Hellooooooo Tushkateers, Devotees of Our Lady of Weight Loss, and those who through divine inspiration have landed on this page.  Did you know that August 2 is Friendship Day? I heard it on NPR just this morning so it must be true. I was thinking that I might share a gaggle of friendship quotes and…

Lo n’ behold, in the not too distant past, I was invited to deliver a motivational talk for a prestigious company who was hosting a wellness immersion program, to which I wholeheartedly responded, “Yes.” They asked me what I’d like to call my talk. They needed a [juicy] title for their program. I said, “Blow…

The Zen master Hakuin used to tell his students about an old woman who owned a tea shop in the village. She was skilled in the tea ceremony, Hakuin said, and her understanding of Zen was superb. Many students wondered about this and went to the village themselves to check her out. Whenever the old…

This very morning, while sipping (okay, gulping down) our first cup of coffee (ahhhhh–here comes that first cup morning rush), Our Lady of Weight Loss and I simultaneously  clicked on, as in opened the link to, one of my favorite shopping sites, One King’s Lane.  (Look at me! Multi-tasking!) More often than not, I find…

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