The trust you had in your spouse has been ruptured. You want to save your marriage, yet, you don’t know how to find a way to trust your partner again. But if you don’t—you realize that will mean the end of your marriage. You’re in a stalemate: you don’t trust your spouse, and your spouse…

In times when computers replace people and are the only mean of communication, there happened to appear a special type of relationship. The one we call Long Distance Relationship. It is already complicated to make a relationship work but more complicated it is to make a long distance relationship work. When there are miles, countries and lots of…

“The only thing you’re taking out of here is your spirit and your soul, so we need to be conscious to try and develop that part of ourselves, because we’re all spiritual creatures” –          Smokey Robinson The above quote is interesting and has me thinking. It is true, we came into this human experience with…

Lets discuss why we become addicted to a person whom we have attracted into our life to the point where we keep giving them another chance despite the are “knowing” that we are not in a relationship with the type of person who enhances our life, who loves us unconditionally, who respects us, who accepts…

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