
La pensée ne doit jamais se soumettre, ni à un dogme, ni à un parti, ni à une passion, ni à un intérêt, ni à une idée préconçue, ni à quoi que ce soit, si ce n’est aux faits eux-mêmes Thought must never submit, neither to a dogma, nor to a party, nor to a…

Rien ne se perd, rien ne se crée, tout se transforme. Nothing is lost, nothing is created, everything is transformed. Antoine Lavoisier Opponents of the nuclear energy deal between world powers and the Islamic Republic of Iran are obsessed with World War 2 comparisons and, insanely, they believe starting World War 3 might prevent World War 3. Israeli…

Quar nous navons volu ne volons le Temple mettre en aucune servitute se non tant come il hy affiert. For we did not and do not wish the Temple to be placed in any servitude except that which is fitting. Jacques de Molay In the past, the ability of any group or idea to coordinate…

L’on peut me réduire à vivre sans bonheur, Mais non pas me résoudre à vivre sans honneur. I can be forced to live without happiness, But I will never consent to live without honor. Pierre Corneille At this moment, the armed wing of the US government is on a march of hypocrisy. The Pentagon brags about…

Tout le genre humain n’est qu’une famille dispersée sur la face de toute la terre. Tous les peuples sont frères, et doivent s’aimer comme tels. All human kind is but one family, dispersed over the face of the whole earth; all men are brothers, and ought to love each other as such. François Fénelon Tolerance,…

Les meilleures lois ne peuvent faire marcher une constitution en dépit des mœurs The best laws cannot make a constitution work in spite of morals Alexis de Tocqueville The dedicated student of politics and religion knows it is comedy to say the conservatives who attack Islam as a “terrorist religion” are somehow defending our civil liberties. There…

Qui ne sent point assez ferme de memoire, ne se doit pas mêler d’être menteur. Who is not sure of his memory should not attempt lying. Michel de Montaigne The hole in this latest conspiracy theory is that Bashar al-Assad doesn’t have chemical weapons. The Syrian “opposition” (more like the American-invasion fetishists) isn’t interested in…

Une société sans religion est comme un vaisseau sans boussole A society without religion is like a ship without a compass Napoleon Bonaparte Should anti-racists condemn Black racism (where it can legitimately be proven to exist) against white people? Above: historic defiance: an African American woman defies state authorities by taking down the Confederate flag…

Le colonialisme n’est pas une machine à penser, n’est pas un corps doué de raison. Colonialism is not a thinking machine, is not a body endowed with reason. Frantz Fanon Should antistatists and anti-nationalists in the West condemn, ignore or support small nationalist causes in the non-Western world? Frantz Fanon: political theorist and key influence on countless Third…

La première maxime de votre politique doit être qu’on conduit le peuple par la raison, et les ennemis du peuple par la terreur The first maxim of your policy ought to be to lead the people by reason and the people’s enemies by terror Robespierre Should we be capitalizing the word “Internet” in our writing?…

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