Jesus Creed

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Psalm 30 thanks God (vv. 1-3, 11-12) and exhorts others to thank God (vv. 4-5). Both emerge from the concrete reality of David’s own experience. Here is what that experience looks like: Step one: David was set on high and was flourishing at the hand of God’s bounty (v. 7a). Step two: David became too…

One of the more important and more difficult pieces of the puzzle as we feel our way forward at the interface of science and faith is the theological implications of discoveries in modern science. A comment on my post Evolution in the Key of D: Deity or Deism noted: …this reminds me of why I…

Who does well when it comes to passing on the faith to the youth? Studies show two groups do really well: conservative Protestants and Mormons; two groups that don’t do well are mainline Protestants and Roman Catholics.  Kenda Dean’s new book is called Almost Christian: What the Faith of Our Teenagers is Telling the American Church…

The Cave Man Diet, or Paleo Diet, is getting attention. (Nothing is said about Culver’s at all.) The big omission, I have to admit, is that those folks were hunters — using spears or smacking some rabbit upside the conk or grabbing a fish or two with their hands … but that’s what makes this…

Psalm 30 is the story of the ups and downs of life, and David is frank and clear. He was in a flourishing spot, he became proud, the Lord was with him but disciplined him, and then the Lord lifted him back into that flourishing spot.  Integral to genuine prayer is the rehearsal of our…

Telling the truth of the Church’s Story means telling the whole story. In the Church’s Story are the stories of women who did mighty things. But these stories are not being told. What can we do to include these stories in our church’s story? The following is from Arise and is written by Priscilla Pope-Levison……

If you’ve ever taught Paul’s letters you know the challenge: How does one put Paul together? Or the teacher asks, Where can I begin that makes the whole become clear? Where do I tap to make this diamond fall out?   Tim Gombis’s new book, Paul: A Guide for the Perplexed (Guides for the Perplexed) ,…

What did you like most about these theologians?  Clark Pinnock, by Doug Koop  Clark H. Pinnock’s life journey is over. The influential and often controversial evangelical theologian died unexpectedly August 15 of a heart attack. He was 73. In March, the long-time professor of systematic theology at McMaster Divinity College in Hamilton, Ontario, had announced…

Darren Whitehead, one of the teaching pastors at Willow, is doing a wondrous series on kingdom of God. This weekend’s talk focused on seven themes of kingdom in the ministry of Jesus and in the church today, and I want to mention his themes.  He showed how these themes are not just individual but are…

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