Islam In America

“According to Islamic law specialist Abed Awad, bans on sharia law are actually unconstitutional. Sharia law, like any foreign law or other religious law, is to be used as ‘parol evidence’ or ‘extrinsic evidence’ and provide cultural context for a ruling,” writes Rahel Gebreyes in The Huffington Post. Why then are states passing laws to…

AFKTravel has a photo essay about the Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca, Morocco. Said to be the seventh largest mosque in the world, it cost some $12 million and was completed in 1993. The photo shows the top of the 60-story minaret, where there’s a laser light shining the way toward Mecca. (Photo used with…

According to the Associated Press, the Supreme Court indicated yesterday (25 February 2015) it will side with a Muslim woman who didn’t get hired by clothing retailer Abercrombie & Fitch because she wore a black headscarf that conflicted with the company’s dress code to her job interview.

“More than 1000 Muslims formed a human shield around Oslo’s synagogue on Saturday, offering symbolic protection for the city’s Jewish community and condemning an attack on a synagogue in neighboring Denmark last weekend,” Reuters reports. The response? Norwegians said they’d form a peace circle around an Oslo mosque next weekend. This is how civilized humans…

Here’s an analysis of ISIS that places the bleme for its rise squarely on U.S. foreign policy decisions. “From Sunni to Shi’a, secular to conservative, Islamist to liberal, autocratic to democratic, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and his doppelganger of a Caliphate have united the Muslim world like no one else has – against them…. Though ISIS…

“The Islamic State is no mere collection of psychopaths. It is a religious group with carefully considered beliefs, among them that it is a key agent of the coming apocalypse.” Thus begins a lengthy assessment of ISIS in The Atlantic. Read it here and tell us what you think. Do you agree that ISIS has…

“Soren Esperson, deputy chairman of the Danish People’s Party, … derided pleas from leading mainstream politicians, including the prime minister, that Islam not be blamed for the violence. ‘Of course this has something to do with Islam just as the Spanish Inquisition, the Crusades and witch burning had something to do with Christianity,’ he said.…

As The New York Times noted on Sunday (8 February 2015): “there is an inconvenient footnote to the assertion that Islam is anti-American: Muslims arrived here before the founding of the United States — not just a few, but thousands.” Read more here.

From executing prisoners to enslaving captives, the brigands known as ISIS continue to horrify the world. Here, courtesy of theGuardian, is the latest: “During their bloody rampage [last summer], Isis kidnapped an estimated 5,000 Yazidi women and children, the majority of whom remain captive today. Enslaved as malak yamiin (spoils of war), the women must…

The following is courtesy of Travel Industry Today, a Canada-based organization: “The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee is asking Delta Air Lines to take action after an employee threatened to remove a Muslim family from a Detroit-bound flight when another passenger harassed the mother over her head-covering. “The Washington-based civil rights group says the Arab-American family was…

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