“While moderate Muslims generally don’t object to music and dancing per se, a large portion of the faithful view sexually suggestive movement, racy lyrics, and unmarried couples dancing together as haram, because they may lead to un-Islamic behavior. This viewpoint resembles the anti-dance feeling common among American Christians at various points in U.S. history.” Agree?…

“Gabriela Mercer, the likely Republican congressional candidate in Arizona’s new 3rd District, once declared that the only goal of Middle Easterners crossing America’s southern border was to ’cause harm to the United States’.” Really? You can read it all here.

“Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) said Monday that the TSA’s security screening in U.S. airports needs to be more selective so grandmothers don’t get ‘the spread-eagle search’ while a ’20-year-old Middle Eastern male waltzes through with a smirk on his face’.” You can read the whole article here.

“The Republican Party platform will likely include a plank this year opposing the imagined threat of Islamic law,” writes Alex Seitz-Wald on Salon.com. “’I’m not aware of any court that’s accepted the argument, but in cases involving either spousal abuse or assault or other crimes against persons, sometimes defenses are raised that are based in…

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