“No group is more harmed by sharia than Muslim women — a reflection in part of the patriarchal tribal culture out of which Islamic law emerged.” Admittedly, the writer is Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a controversial figure in Islam. However, she does have a point: men and women are treated differently in whatever version of sharia…

“The recent vandalization of Nimrud and Hatra by the so-called Islamic State—and the destruction of lesser shrines in Libya by local Islamists, which started in 2012—is not an isolated phenomenon. It stems from deep-seated pathologies afflicting the Muslim world,” writes Ann Marlowe in The Daily Beast. “It is of course the Muslim world that has…

The idiots have targeted and killed Christians on their way to church yesterday (and a couple of Paki police in the bargain) — idiots because they’re suicide bombers and idiots because killing people who have different beliefs than yours is a mug’s game. Here’s one place to read more about this latest atrocity: Suicide Bombers…

Sharon Otterman, a reporter for The New York TimesMK/I> penned a thoughtful article on Sandra Ibrahim. The middle school student’s tentative steps toward wearing hijab have been met with derision, teasing and hazing. This writer wonders whether this Arab custom from the seventh century really has a place in 21st century Queens, where it serves…

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