“For most inhabitants of modern, Western countries, religion is an incubator of values, not the source of binding law,” writes Sheila Kennedy in a meditation on “The Retreat of the Puritans”. This realization is at the heart of what’s causing problems for Islam in the United States. The American system of government has disconnected religious…

“Much of the imagery of Western Orientalism of the past two centuries has a similar message, highlighting a binary difference between ‘us’ and ‘them’,” writes Frederick Bohrer in The Los Angeles Review of Books. “Would the ISIS videos even exist without the Western establishment and longtime support for such a tradition?” Read more of this…

“Think you have challenges in your life? What do you think the challenges are for a gay, black, Muslim who is the United States’ first openly gay Imam?” Read more about Daayiee Abdullah, who lives and works in Washington, D.C.: Meet America’s Only Openly Gay Imam But, isn’t being homosexual un-Islamic? No. As Abdullah points…

Here’s a provocative assertion: “The recent Pew survey shows that Islam is the fastest growing religion, not because people are converting to Islam, but because they’re having more babies. The fertility rate is much higher than that of any other religious group. That means we’re going to have more and more children growing up with…

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