According to Ann Corcoran’s new monograph titled “Refugee Resettlement and the Hijra to America” (published April 21, 2015, as part of the Center for Security Policy’s Civilization Jihad Reader Series, the “federal government is attempting stealthily to relocate Muslim immigrants into unsuspecting and often unsuitable rural communities”. Ms. Corcoran “documents that Muslim immigration as a…

“Headscarves and Hymens: Why the Middle East Needs a Sexual Revolution,” a new book by Mona Eltahawy, should be required reading for every American Muslim woman (it’ll take longer to enlighten the men). Snippet: “I think if you whittle them down to their essence, [the Abrahamic religions are} about controlling women and their sexuality. I…

Various reports and videos of ISIS troops destroying ancient monuments reminds one of teenage boys and their destructive pranks. Except with bulldozers and explosives. How a serious “caliphate” can justify such behavior is beyond belief. The reason for UNESCO World Heritage Sites is that such places belong to all of us, not just the brigands…

Here’s a frightening thought: ISIS is adapting the techniques of pedophiles to lure Muslim teens to Syria: What ISIS Learned From Pedophiles “The jihadis build fantasy relationships, play on a child’s suspicion of parents, and lure their young targets into a world of shared ‘secrets’,” writes Jamie Dettmer on “The Daily Beast”.

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