Islam In America

It’s hard to imagine, but ISIS has committed an even more brutal atrocity than beheading its captives. It has claimed to have burned their Jordanian prisoner alive. There’s no need to point out — but I will anyway — why Muslims have such a bad image outside the umma. From the Charlie Hebdo assassinations to…

It’s hard to know where to begin on this one. Surely the organizers knew that the name itself — Texas Muslim Capitol Day — would bring out anti-Islam demonstrators on January 29, 2015, (and it did). What wasn’t foreseeable, however, was the astonishing response of Molly White, a Republican legislator from Belton, Texas, who not…

The Associated Press reports: “Joining President Barack Obama for a condolence visit after the death of the King Abdullah, Mrs. Obama stepped off of Air Force One wearing long pants and a long, brightly colored jacket — but no headscarf.” It’s a sad state of affairs when an uncovered head results in news coverage.

Just in case you missed it, this story is viral on the web: When Saudi Arabia’s late King Abdullah visited Queen Elizabeth in 1998 at her Scotland estate, Balmoral, she got behind the wheel of her Land Rover to give him a tour. One of the stories (this one from PBS): When Queen Elizabeth took…

King Abdullah has died. Whither Saudi Arabia? As The New York Times put it: “The king’s death adds yet another element of uncertainty in a region already overwhelmed by crises and as Saudi Arabia is itself in a struggle with Iran for regional dominance.” Some places to read about the transition: “King Abdullah, Who Nudged…

The Islamist army with the Boko Haram moniker is at it again. According to Issa Tchiroma Bakary, Cameroon’s information minister, Mabass village in far northern Cameroon was attacked early yesterday (18 January 2015). Boko Haram killed at least three people and kidnapped four dozen hostages. In a separate attack in Nigeria also reported by the…

This writer isn’t sure what to think about this turnaround on the part of Duke University’s administration. First they announced they’d do the call to prayer from the Duke Chapel bell tower for Friday’s jummah prayer. Then, yesterday they come out with this press release: “Duke University has reconsidered a previously announced plan to present…

Abdelkader Benai, a Muslim born in the Netherlands, has penned a powerful meditation on the Charlie Hebdo massacre in The New York Times. “When I was 17, I found ‘The Satanic Verses’ tucked away in a school library,” he writes. “I grabbed it, started reading and was mesmerized. Here was a young man struggling with…

The next cover of Charlie Hebdo features Muhammad holding a sign reading, “Je suis Charlie.” The tagline: “All is forgiven.” The magazine plans to print 3 million issues just one week after its editorial staff was gunned down by terrorists.

“What can Muslims do to reclaim their ‘Beautiful Religion’?” asks the headline for a full-page advertisement in yesterday’s (11 January 2015) New York Times. The ad, from the Gatestone Institute, points to “behadings and savagery by ISIS, female genital mutilations and honor killings, the abduction of girls by Boko Haram, the execution of innocents in…

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