We don’t really believe it’s okay to take time for ourselves. We want to believe it. We want to invest in ourselves. We want to let our individual heart soar. But down deep there seems to be something selfish about it. Nothing could be further from the truth. Still, it’s just so difficult to invest…

I recently received an email from someone who had read my column 5 Indicators That Someone You Love Doesn’t Care About You. It got me thinking. Why is it we place so much importance on relationship words rather than relationship actions? I certainly did. Case in point. I remember years ago sitting at lunch with three…

Downsizing and getting rid of the majority of our belongings is no longer a trend for strictly retirees. In this era of tiny houses and millennials less is now more. And Baby Boomers are opting to strip themselves of possessions and large four-walled obligations in favor of condos and travel and more. Yet downsizing can still…

Do you remember the first time your mom dropped you off at school? You cling to her leg with tears streaming down your face. And whimper… Please don’t leave me? This place looks scary? Why can’t I stay with you? But your mom promises if you just stick it out it will be worth it.…

When we are in the thick of it, slinging the mud of adversity we pray for help. And we pray and we pray. I did. I prayed until I wondered if I was praying properly. Should I ask God to help me get through this? Should I thank God for helping me get through this?…

People are human and therefore will talk about one another. It’s a matter of just how often and who and what you are talking about. In other words, it should lean towards the exception and not the rule. Perfection in this department may not be one hundred percent attainable.  There will always be moments of…

I once listened to a sermon about life being easy. The priest compared it to sitting in an armchair contentedly watching life and getting by. The years I lived a comfortable life I won’t lie – like many, I thought I had just made smart, non-impulsive choices. I had figured out the riddle. I had…

Many years ago I read an article about the four traits of happy people.  I never forgot them. They were Optimism, Extroversion, Self-Esteem and a Sense of Being in Control. Before my marital problems, I can honestly say I spent my entire life feeling happy. There were definite challenges along the way. No life is…

The simple truth? Not everyone grows up. It’s one of the reasons I coined the phrase… “I’m tired of watching children walk around masquerading as adults.” So how exactly does this happen? There are plenty of reasons an individual’s ego fails to mature. It can include but is not limited to being overindulged, modeling a…

Let’s face it, we all initially strive for utopia. We want to find the perfect job and have the perfect wedding. We will avoid the parenting mistakes our parents made and the list goes on. We start out thinking we know it all and receiving advice is a hit our ego isn’t willing to take.…

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