I just had lunch with one of my fav people from high school. As is customary in my column I will give her an alias. A name to protect the innocent. I will call her “Aurora’ because she sincerely sends out good vibes. There is a profound radiance about her. It is so great to catch…

When you are willing to share the messy side of life – your own worries, fears, mistakes, and heartache… Other people feel safe confiding in you. Just yesterday, I was chatting with someone experiencing divorce and the topic of stress and anxiety surfaced. Here’s the thing. Worry and anxiety are extremely misunderstood and therefore people…

Do you take out your mood on other people? Chances are if you do few people will actually tell you. People tend to not want to take on difficult personalities. Instead, depending on their emotional healthiness they will either walk out of your world, ignore your words, attach your words to themselves, try to fix…

I wrote my last column about the day I stopped liking myself. In a nutshell – my relationship broke. And I got lost in someone else. Or as the classic quote goes – “Be careful when trying to fix a broken person you may cut yourself on their shattered pieces.” The bigger the problems got…

I remember near the beginning of my divorce chatting with an old friend. “I don’t feel very good about myself,” I said. “I never knew a Colleen who was anything but confident,” he replied. But there was in fact, a day I stopped liking myself.  Worse, I can pinpoint exactly when it started yet at…

A few months ago I returned. The person once known as Colleen Sheehy peeked through after what seemed like an eternal hiatus. I think I now understand the artist formerly known as Prince or Puff Daddy turned P.Diddy and so on. These men simply put titles on their life transitions or should I say personal…

Do you make New Years Resolutions for your relationship? You should. Consider it akin to the annual physical. If we don’t keep up with our emotional health one year runs into the next and before you know it valuable time has been wasted. The end of a year brings with it an energy which should be…

I belong to a Facebook Group called Parentless Parents. We are a tribe of individuals who navigate parenting after the loss of our mothers and our fathers. This community was started by my friend and author Allison Gilbert. I initially met Allison when she interviewed me for her book Parentless Parents: How the Loss of Our Mothers…

I remember the day I sat in my marriage counselor’s office and through the tears, kleenex and runny mascara blurted out… Why is God doing this to me? Wow, now looking back, I can’t believe those words ever came out of my mouth! Can you say, victim? In my defense, I was losing my family.…

“Gratitude exclaims, very properly, “How good of God to give me this.” –C.S. Lewis   “Keep your eyes open to your mercies. The man who forgets to be thankful has fallen asleep in life.” –Robert Louis Stevenson   “‘Thank you’ is the best prayer that anyone could say.” –Alice Walker “I am grateful for what…

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