So there are just some things you shouldn’t do to someone in the middle of a divorce. Just across the board whether it’s a fairly good divorce, middle of the road divorce or bad divorce – whether it’s a quiet person or a loud person, a sensitive person or a tough person. Do not ask…

A while back one of my extended family members got a divorce from his wonderful wife. To me she had become my friend. There was a bit of pressure that it should be one or the other. I protested. I let my extended family know that this was wrong. You can still love a person…

The air is cool as I begin my walk down my street. My chocolate lab, Hazel pulls me with urgency. The first part of the walk all I can focus on is holding onto Hazy. A squirrel here and a squirrel there. On the way back, she settles into a slow pace and my mind…

Okay, so don’t laugh. I’m in the grocery store. The frozen food aisle to be exact. I stop in front of the ice cream. In a moment of impulse, I snatch the glass door handle, grab me some butter pecan ice cream and throw it in the top basket of my cart. A few minutes…

A marriage counselor once said that “often what ends a marriage is that one person emotionally outgrows the other.” As we get older some of us grow with our life experiences and some do not. Adding to that – often the spouse that emotionally outgrew the other contributed to the other not growing up. If…

I am on the baseball field. I stand on the pitchers mound and throw the ball. I run to bat and then to first base. I catch the ball in the outfield and run and tag myself at second base. Do you get where I am going with this? If you are in a relationship…

The day after I retain my attorney I am singing in the shower. My first thought – oh my gosh, I remember this! I always used to sing in the shower. I had forgotten. I tell my sister. “That’s nice,” she says. “Only it’s going to get so much worse before it gets better.” My…

Any one who knows me will tell you that I have always been a cup is half full kinda girl. They will also tell you that my cup went from ‘runneth over’ to spilled, dumped, evaporated or a liquid ‘desert.’ I went from emotionally hydrated to emotionally dehydrated. It has taken me a long time…

I squeeze beside my sister on the couch. Kathy’s new house overflows with moving boxes. I watch as she sifts through a bag of objects. She snatches an item, inspects it, and then directs it to the proper pile. I am eager to see what will stay and what will go. The younger sister, I…

My marriage counselor welcomes me and I make my way to the couch. He closes the door and then finds the way to his chair. I often say that this is my personal oxymoron, ‘marriage counseling’ by myself. I am in the middle of this divorce and this is still where I seek counsel. We…

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