There have been so very many times since I began this divorce process that I have felt weak. So weak, that I have wondered what I am made of. Do I have what it takes to be a single parent? Do I have what it takes to support all of us? Do I have what…

On my last Birthday, my son Billy instagramed a pic of me and him with the caption, “Happy Birthday to a woman who for some reason believes all things are possible.” It gave me pause. You never really know how you are seen through the lens of another. It also made me happy. I have…

A year and a half ago, fed up, I got in my car and drove to an attorney’s office. I shook his hand, handed him a check and left with a sense of peace. The next day, in the shower I began to sing. “Wow,” I thought to myself. “I am singing again.” I had…

I sit at my computer this morning and all I can think is… What I really want to tell you is that I feel awful. I look awful. That divorce has kicked my butt. Only it’s not really divorce. It’s another human being’s unresolved feelings that have turned this into a catastrophic, emotional war and…

I am sitting catching up on a stack of magazines that I have tucked next to me in my chair. They are chock full of Father’s Day stories and of course, the usual celebrity ones. Most of the stories are nice and tell of lessons learned or such things, yet one jumps out at me.…

This morning I sit with my computer on my lap and my chocolate lab, Hazel nuzzling next to me on the couch (I know I’m a bad mother – she’s just so cute). Anyway, I knew what I was going to write about today. I typed notes into my phone last night at midnight. Only…

I am listening to a sermon by a priest that I know. I call him ‘Father Hope.’ ‘Father Hope’s” faith and wordsmith talent weave stories of great spirituality that stay with me long after I hear them. In fact, he reminds me much of what I love about Beliefnet. He is both faith and inspiration…

It is late. I fidget as I try to fall asleep..picking up my phone here and there. This is my new routine. This is what the stress of divorce has done to my nights. A text pops up. I read it and tell myself not to cry. It’s not a bad text. It’s actually a…

No writer wants to really believe less is more. We truthfully just want to keep verbalizing and externalizing to our hearts content. Only, as always, a short and powerful thought can knock out a verbose heavyweight. When life makes us vulnerable we rely on the kindness of others in a way we never before imagined.…

I slip my feet out of the stirrups, swing my leg over and slide off. The barn smells of the trademark signs of all things horse. It is a familiar smell for me. A good smell. One that transports me back to my childhood. Of running through fields on horseback, adventures in the woods, staring…

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