Flunking Sainthood

Last week I succumbed to the “lure of the free.” I saw on Twitter that Audible.com was offering Kindle users  a limited-time promotion, in which Samuel L. Jackson‘s 6-minute audio rendition of the new sensation “Go the F**k to Sleep” would be available free of charge.  (It’s now $4.99.) According to CNN, more than 160,000…

In doing the Twible recently I’ve come across a whole genre that I like to call the “Wake Up, God, and Get the Hell Out of Bed” Psalms. These are the Psalms for when God feels impossibly far away at best and nonexistent at worst. These are the Psalms for when we are suffering. The…

Our summer of frothy fiction continues with Wicked Lovely, the first in a YA series about faeries and the high school girls who . . . don’t quite love them. The trivia: Grade: B+ Age group: Suitable for 14 and up Other books I’ve read by this author: None How I found the book: The…

Over the last few weeks we’ve seen a maelstrom over at Patheos, which published Warren Cole Smith’s article “A Vote for Romney is a Vote for the LDS Church” on May 24. As this follow-up interview makes clear, Smith believes that his words were “taken out of context” and his “positions mischaracterized.” He is not,…

I’ve got a post up today at Gathering Voices on how Netflix is complicating my life. According to psychological research, too much choice can actually paralyze us from making any choices at all. Hmmm. So it would seem . . . .   –JKR

It’s summertime here at Flunking Sainthood, which means that I’ve put away any heavy theology tomes for the time being and am reading fiction. Lots of fiction, including YA. So each week in June I’ll be reviewing a YA book or series. Please let me know of any YA recommendations you have! –JKR   Book…

A couple of years ago, I published a BYU Studies article about Mormon themes in Twilight that was picked up by Meridian, an LDS website. I received some feedback on the piece, mostly positive, though several readers took issue with one criticism I made about Stephenie Meyer’s series: “I find myself concerned about the retrogressive…

What do we make of Psalm 88? We saw last week that the Psalms of lament are a beautiful, if misunderstood, part of the Psalter, and that they serve a clear spiritual purpose. I talked about how much I liked Walter Brueggemann’s explanation of the cathartic pattern of these Psalms: Kvetch. Kvetch. Kvetch. Receive assurance…

Here’s an email I sent to all my WJK authors today, encouraging them to join Amazon’s free Author Central program. I joined myself earlier this week. One thing I learned is that the state where my books sell best is Utah (!), and that I also do modestly well in California, the D.C. area, and…

Home from Alaska! (I know I didn’t actually tell you all that I was going on vacation. I was going to do this, and let you know where the valuables and the spare key are kept, but then I had second thoughts.) So here’s a rundown, minus all the photographs that I haven’t yet uploaded.…

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