Depression Help

  What’s the difference between flower essence and essential oil? Flower essences and essential oils complement each other in the healing the human soul. But the way these two work is very different. Flower essences heal the aura fields around the body and soul. Sometimes the word etheric is used instead of aura when talking…

Psychic protection is always important. When I first felt depressed, I was getting confused about the mixed messages I heard from the spirit world. A lot of times the messages of hope and healing were getting muddled with words of fear and anxiety. I later realized that the fearful and anxious messages were actually my…

Does depression affect psychic ability? The short answer is yes. When you’re depressed, you’re looking at the world though dark glasses. Depression takes you into the dark night of the soul, wherein you question your psychic abilities, become frightened by what you see or hear of Spirit, and feel powerless. A depressed psychic looses ability…

I write my own articles about depression and how you can help someone who is depressed. Occasionally though, I will share an article which hits the right notes with me. This is one of those moments. “Ask Amy” is a Toronto Sun article (August 14, 2018). I liked the question that a reader had about…

    Essential Oils In Smudge Sprays If you look on the internet for smudge sprays, you’ll find as many different recipes for smudge sprays as there are essential oils! That’s because modern sage smudge sprays have at least two or more essential oils.  Traditional or New Age smudge spray?  There’s some controversy about what…

  Sage Smudge Spray Recipe Smudging heals and cleanses your spiritual body and space. But what to do you when you want to smudge but are allergic to smoke, or you want to smudge your work space to get rid of negative energies but smoke would create problems at work? Smudge spray is the smokeless…

The wheels in your head go round and round, all the day long. Just like that, in a circle and seeming to never end, the thoughts of depression and anxiety go round and round in your head. Rumination is one of the biggest problems in depression and anxiety. Ruminating all day and night long Rumination…

Be A Depression Stigma Fighter ( #StigmaFighter  #NotAlone) We’ve all know that breaking depression stigma is important. We know stigma is used to keep certain parts of society under control, or annexed from the rest of the population. But why is stigma still a problem when it comes to mental health? After all, isn’t mental health…

  In 2017, a collaborative team of depression researchers and people with lived experience released 11 questions to help move depression research forward. How people with depression helped move research forward in Alberta, Canada As I mentioned in my earlier article, “People With Depression Help Move Research Forward”,(2018)  depressed people want to have their voices heard…

    We need to get more depression researchers and depressed people into a healthy relationship. People with depression help move research forward. It’s not easy for a depressed person to function some days, much less be involved in research. But you might be surprised how many depressed people actually want to create change and…

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