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Hey, I love my cheeseburgers, hot dogs, fries and turnovers as much as anyone … but in the SAME lunch? That’s what Hardee’s is offering, and I didn’t even mention the drink … all for $5 … according to its TV commercial. A good value … perhaps. A good way to become fat, or stay…

Pardon the grammar but “Beyond Scared Straight” ain’t no joke. The A&E series gives would be convicts a real look, a real CLOSE look, at what life behind bars would be like. What it IS like, actually. And it’s no fun, not even in the slightest. It’s important television though for kids who have scrapes…

You have to give CBS credit for trying … over and over … to rework their morning news show. Their latest incarnation, or reincarnation, called the CBS Morning Show obviously took a lot of work to create and millions of dollars in making the studio and to secure the talent, like co-hosts Charlie Rose and…

First for the good: congratulations are in order for NBC’s Today Show in reaching it’s 60th year on air. Heck, getting to 60 days on air now is a good accomplishment and one we’ll see if the new CBS Morning Show can reach. OK, it should get there … bit of a cheap shot/joke aside.…

Tim Tebow has had plenty of ups and downs this season with wins and losses, good passes and poor passes, fans and critics alike. Talk about steady and unflappable though … his great attitude keeps Tebow moving forward … quite literally. The Broncos weren’t supposed to make the playoffs, never mind beat the once mighty…

I just got done complimenting ABC a few posts ago for Tim Allen’s Last Man Standing series. It was smart bringing back a known commodity like the likable Allen, former star of the long-running clean and positive hit Home Improvement. Well, ABC giveth and taketh away apparently with the show that follows Allen’s program:  Work…

The next season of The Apprentice hasn’t even started and the sparks are already flying on Donald Trump’s hit NBC reality show. One of the contestants, Dee Snider, complained to “The Donald” about members of the other team. “Listen, Mr. Trump,” the ex-Twister Sister frontman apparently told the business mogul, “the women are already acting…

It’s tough not to like Tim Allen after all he’s been through. The great comedian and TV star once hit rock bottom, after all, with a drug trafficking charge that sent him to prison for over two years. He was also charged with DUI in 1997 in another incident. Allen has made serious mistakes, to…

I’ll admit it, I’ve changed my tune on Dick Clark’s  Rockin’ New Year’s Eve party. Well, at least the program’s namesake, as co-host Ryan Seacrest and music acts like Lady GaGa are not my thing. I have been a little harsh on watching Dick Clark slur his way through some segments during the ABC broadcast…

I am more than a day late and probably a dollar short on this post, but I still have to write about one SUPER inspiring kid: Colton Burpo. The kid author of Heaven is for Real: A Little Boy’s Astounding Trip to Heaven and Back is such an impressive little man it’s unreal. Colton visited…

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