On a recent episode of my radio show, Rise UP with B. Dave Walters we discussed the true meaning of Christmas, and how to deal with some of the negative emotions that can come along with it.  I got so emotional while talking about the meaning of Christmas that I cried on the radio; something I didn’t think…

“Just that you do the right thing. The rest doesn’t matter. Cold or warm. Tired or well-rested. Despised or honored. Dying…or busy with other assignments. Because dying, too, is one of our assignments in life. There as well: “To do what needs doing.” Look inward. Don’t let the true nature of anything elude you. Before…

“Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration, the rest of us just get up and go to work.” -Stephen King, On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft Motivation can often seem like a mystical force that some people just seem to possess in abundance. Or, something that can be gained by sitting through a weekend seminar, or…

If you look at your life, you might start to notice a pattern emerge: Certain kinds of relationships, certain kinds of job situations, certain kinds of body difficulties, and all sorts of other things.  Sometimes these patterns can work to our advantage, but more often than not, it’s the same sorts of problems that occur…

Tomas Prower is the author of La Santa Muerte: Unearthing the Magic & Mysticism of Death, a book about how to tap into the power of the Ultimate Mystery to bring peace and healing into your life. In this exclusive interview series, we discuss the ‘true’ meaning of Death, and how it gives meaning to…

Radhika Vekaria is one half of the singer/songwriter duo TemperHeart. Ms. Vekaria left behind a successful career in England in order to move to Los Angeles and pursue her lifelong dream of being a professional singer.  In this exclusive interview series, we discuss how to go about creating the life that you really desire, the…

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving here in the U.S., but I want to take some time out from cooking turkey to have a quick talk about what you’re grateful for. On a recent episode of Rise UP with B. Dave Walters: Simple Answers to Life’s Hard Questions we talked about “Hope During Dark Times”: Why World War 3 isn’t breaking…

In my coaching work, the number one question I get is: How can I be happy?  Inevitably, the second question is: How can I find true love? A common mistake people make is believing that the solution to their problems lies outside of themselves.  Or, that the circumstances going on around them is the cause…

Question submitted via Formspring: “Hi, I’m a nineteen year old African American female and ever since I can remember, I’ve always wanted to be attractive. In this society, being “HOT” is valued. At least in the mainstream sort of way. But I look absolutely NOTHING like that, at all. I’m 5’1 110 pound African American…

“Just that you do the right thing. The rest doesn’t matter. Cold or warm. Tired or well-rested. Despised or honored. Dying…or busy with other assignments. Because dying, too, is one of our assignments in life. There as well: “To do what needs doing.” Look inward. Don’t let the true nature of anything elude you. Before…

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