Angel Guidance

Oftentimes we are our own worst enemy. When things are not working out as planned, that is a sure sign that something is blocking the way. Is it you? If the answer to this questions feels like a resounding yes, then you know that it is time to learn how to get out of your…

Abundant blessings are all around you. If does not matter what the world looks like, or how dim the light is in the hearts of those around you, there are always abundant blessings available to those who choose to look. Now is the time when you have the opportunity to reap what you sow. The…

We all need goals. We all need a purpose. As we are preparing for a new year in a new decade of balance, it is a good time to look at your goals and see if they are good, need to be revised, or turf them altogether and begin again. What is your driving force…

“Always Seek to know the Truth” is a message I get from the angels. When I am looking to understand, this is how they begin our conversation. I try to carry this through into all areas of my life. They are simple yet powerful words to live by. I have always been encouraged by my…

Awakening symptoms are signs from your physical, mental, emotional, and spirit body that something new is going on or you are now feeling and experiencing your world in a new light. One of the 1st signs of awakening is a shift in how you perceive the world. Suddenly things you once tolerated or didn’t bother…

It’s been pretty ‘peopley’ out there and the Empaths know exactly what I am talking about. When one becomes more sensitive to the energy around them, they are what we call empaths. Empaths feel energy and don’t always even know what is theirs and what is someone else’s, or sometime even that they are an…

When you need to feel loved, surround yourself in the light of one of the Archangel. There is no better feeling that being surrounded by love. I think that is why we as humans search so long and hard to find out ‘soulmates’. If you feel alone, or you just need some extra love and…

Everyone is on some kind of healing journey. For some it is mainly physical, but it always has other components, for changes in your physical health always starts out in the spirit world. Today Archangel Raphael has some wonderful advice for us on healing and talking personal responsibility for our own health. “You must become…

Each one of you has a unique Brilliance that is your special light to share with the world. Ask your angels to help discover your Brilliance if you unsure of what really makes you shine. Your Brilliance is your energetic footprint and while some of us can see your light with our ordinary eyes, most…

The journey to self-healing is one of the most important choices you can make for yourself that can literally change your world in the most positive ways. There are many ways you can begin to start taking better care of yourself and starting some of them today will help you in so many ways, you will…

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