
Il vaut mieux hasarder de sauver un coupable que de condamner un innocent. It is better to risk sparing a guilty person than to condemn an innocent one. Voltaire To terminate any potential speculation about my reasons for no longer contributing monthly articles to Press TV’s website, I have decided to make the following post…

Il n’appartient, qu’aux tyrans d’être toujours en crainte. None but tyrants have any business to be afraid. Hardouin de Péréfixe Has the US government managed to “master the Internet”, their favorite way of referring to hoovering up every item of information on the web? As Glenn Greenwald explains in his book No Place to Hide,…

Tyran, descends du trône et fais place à ton maître. Tyrant, step from the throne, and give place to thy master. Pierre Corneille I won’t acknowledge and certainly won’t discuss the criminal accusations against Julian Assange. The true criminal in this instance is the accuser. Anyone stupid enough to think Assange has actually committed a crime should hang his…

N’est-on jamais tyran qu’avec un diadème? Is there no tyrant but the crowned one? Joseph Chénier At the time I am writing this post, I have nearly finished reading Glenn Greenwald’s 2014 book No Place to Hide. I have opted to avoid publishing a single, official review of the book in favor of writing a number of articles…

Parce qu’ils n’aiment personne, ils croient qu’ils aiment Dieu. Because they do not like anyone, they believe they love God. Charles Péguy While I mostly criticize US foreign policy, the elimination of ISIL seems like one goal that all civilized people can share. There are some moments, such as the recently commemorated 70-year-old Second World…

Tremblez, tyrans, vous êtes immortels. Tremble, ye tyrants, for ye can not die. Jacques Delille American lawmakers have a chance to let the so-called Patriot Act perish by doing nothing. Image via Twitter user @benmarlin The legislation justifying mass spying on the entire world would need to be renewed in the US on Monday, 1…

Je vais où va toute chose, Où va la feuille de rose I go where all nature goes, Where goes the leaf of the rose, Antoine-Vincent Arnault The greatest thing to happen to politics in the Twenty-First Century isn’t political at all. Theatricality and the triumph of the symbolic man over man: “Is Anonymous immortal? Are…

Il suffit d’ajouter “militaire” à un mot pour lui faire perdre sa signification. Ainsi la justice militaire n’est pas la justice, la musique militaire n’est pas la musique. It suffices to add “military” to a word for it to lose its meaning. Military justice is to justice what military music is to music. Georges Clemenceau…

Les meilleures lois ne peuvent faire marcher une constitution en dépit des mœurs ; les mœurs tirent parti des pires lois. The best laws cannot make a constitution work in spite of morals; morals can turn the worst laws to advantage. Alexis de Tocqueville I am driven to write this post not to raise the alarm…

Où serait le mérite, si les héros n’avaient jamais peur? Where would be the merit if heroes were never afraid? Alphonse Daudet It has occurred to me that I am too partisan on this blog, and a good old vitriolic blog shouldn’t take sides with any political faction. The aim is to superlatively influence, and the ball…

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