That you are running away. That you are running away from. That you must run. And then I take a closer look and. He’s walking. She’s walking. He/she has a walking stick. This is not a run. This is… thoughtful. Thoughtfulness leave-taking thoughtful not a scamper no. We learn, when confronted with this card, that…

Every New Moon is about home. Every Full Moon is about home. The next Full Moon, in the sign of Aquarius, is this Sunday. Tonight in meditation class, my teacher mentioned going house hunting in a town 5 hours away, even though he’s not ready to retire yet. The conversation made me think about Saturn.…

I’m not ready for the Wheel of Fortune yet. That’s what we’re up to in my Card Meanings series. Instead I wanted to look at the week ahead. Astrologically speaking, Mercury will go from retrograde motion to direct motion: this is good!  Life gets a little less muddled and befuddled. Plans can be made again.…

I was looking through one of my ginormous airtight containers this afternoon and found folders and manilla envelops of papers and photographs and old bills and letters of reference from professors and rejections from poetry magazines but the best find were the handwritten notes from a reading I had with my astrology teacher back in 2008. Gems,…

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