Sassy Spirit

I know it sounds so cliché. I know.  But seriously all love starts with self.  I know it’s easy to say when you are in a happy relationship, but if you’re feeling down today on the “love” day, refocus.  It’s when we focus on the lack of what we want, that gets us in trouble. …

C.mon. You can’t believe that. I remember thinking that in the fourth grade…maybe?  I remember we were getting our report cards on a Friday the 13th and this 80’s child had seen plenty of the movies by that title to scare the pants off of me.  I thought for sure I’d get bad grades.  It was…

of There are certain days when we feel our best.  There our others days when we are not at 100%.  My five year son will say sometimes that he doesn’t feel like himself.  Some people will go through a time period like that, years even.  I know I have.  Maybe you think 80% feeling like…

With Valentine’s Day approaching, we see hearts everywhere. I love champagne, roses, and chocolate of course. I’m a gal who loves romance. I’m a feminist to some and old-fashioned to others. I love gentlemen. When a man holds the door for me I always give a huge thank you. I think both sexes should do…

To truly love others unconditionally, we have to love ourselves first. When we do, we look for partners who love, honor, and respect that. If you are looking for a partner or looking to improve your current relationship, look within. Maybe your partner sees the greatness in you and you’ve forgotten it or haven’t found…

This week was partially a fog. On Monday, my teenage son had ingrown toenail surgery on both big toes. Afterwards I did blizzard prep shopping as we were expecting almost a foot and a half of snow starting Tuesday.  They cancelled school and closed the restaurant my husband works at for the day…actually the day…

It’s Sunday afternoon here in New Jersey. Yesterday it was raining and the temps are in the 30’s. Today is a freakish 50 degrees.  Tomorrow night they are calling for a blizzard.  Snow days make kids crazy!  At least here they do. Is it Spring yet?  Not even close. It’s the end of January, which means we…

Yesterday I didn’t get to post because I was trying to referee all day with my kids stuck in the house.  It’s Winter in New Jersey. This includes wind and a lot of inside time where I reflect on a lot.  I wanted to touch on two things today. One of which was the great…

I played tennis in high school. I never won a match. My doubles partner would get so frustrated. She once even threw her racket. I just kept trying. I took private tennis lessons for years and wanted so badly to be good because my Dad loves tennis. I liked it, but I just wasn’t good.…

I launched my book “Sexpot With Stretch Marks”  a week ago today.  It went #1 over the weekend.  I’ve done some press and will continue to as well. Today was like a day off in that I had no clients or interviews.  When you live your passion though, you are never off, because you like…

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