Oh My Stars

Astrology that does not incorporate the human experience is essentially useless. As much as I try to treat it like a clear-cut and objective science, those of us who live out the perils and potential of our birth charts know that life in the real world occasionally gets messy and even ugly. Astrology can rise…

Last time, we discussed how Venus in Gemini can talk her way into or out of all sorts of situations and how you can use that to your advantage. Today we;re going to have a look at how you can use those language/romance/finance skills to your advantage… or at the very least figure out the…

Jupiter went direct in Leo on Thursday, and this seems like as good a time as any to address the role that planet plays in astrology: specifically, sorting out the differences between the roles of Jupiter and Neptune. I get the feeling those waters have become a little muddied in the past few years. Also:…

So now that Venus is entering Gemini and leaving Taurus (which it rules) you might think this could affect your love life for the worse. That’s not necessarily so, for three reasons. First of all, you’ve got to keep in mind the aspects any transiting planet makes your own birth chart. Secondly: I personally feel…

Mars is now in the early degrees of Taurus, and will stay there until May. Mars in Taurus has several excellent uses: it’s earthy, sensuous, and tends to have a long fuse until it blows up. On the other hand, traditionally astrologers consider Taurus a less-than-great place for Mars. Sure, Mars is relatively slow to…

Why is this article about Mars in Taurus appearing a few days late? Because Mars in Taurus does things on its schedule, not yours buddy. I’m in character, okay? *** Mars is the planet that provides the most “push” in your chart. A lot of where and how that “pushing” happens depends on the Sign…

Full disclosure: by popular culture standards, I’m an old guy. Like old guys everywhere, I tend to look down my nose at whatever music is popular with teenagers these days. In all fairness though, I always have, even when I was a teenager myself. Frankly, it’s the astrology and not the music that has me looking…

I’m going to come out and say it people: April is an overrated month. I think it scores easy points because of what came before it and because people know what’s coming afterwards. As months ago, I don’t think April tries very hard. That seems somewhat appropriate: given that during April the Sun is either…

I’m going to be teaching another online astrology course soon. I’ve taught astrology many times before, and yet it’s only very recently that someone asked me a very important question… why should I learn astrology? Obviously if you’re here reading this, you must have at least some passing interest in the subject, and shouldn’t that…

Last time I discussed career guidance astrology, I talked about the role of the Midheaven. It is probably the single most important point in your birth chart when it comes to determining what you should be doing for a living – or maybe more accurately it determines “what you should be when you grow up.”…

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