Oh My Stars

You’re probably aware of the idea that each Sign is ruled by one of the planets, and that the planet which rules a Sign tells us something about that Sign’s nature. Leo is ruled by The Sun, and Leos tend to be shiny and warm and outgoing, Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo, and as a…

For an astrologer (or anyone else) career counseling used to be a much simpler thing. If your father was a peasant farmer, and so was his father, and so was his, then as far as career counseling goes all you could expect from astrologer was usually some variation on “let’s see how much you like…

People, please: settle down. Now is not the time to get all panicky over the title of a blog entry… unless of course you happen to be a fan of that 12 COMMON HOUSEHOLD ITEMS THE GOVERNMENT WON’T TELL YOU ARE KILLING YOU style of Internet writing, in which case I would advise you to…

So: the Uranus-Pluto square is finally over, having it reached its last exact peak on Monday. We can all stop worrying now, right? Not so fast. *** The Uranus Pluto conjunction of the mid 1960s is the single astrological aspect which most clearly defined that era… but it reached its last exact aspect in 1966. You…

The big aspect to watch out for this week is Mars in Aries, conjunct Uranus and square Pluto. Although the exact aspect has passed by now, it’s still in effect, so don’t get lazy with my warning: tempers will be sharp. Things left to simmer will boil over. Even if the exact degrees are obviously…

AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18) Best personal trait: Original thinking Worst personal trait: Original thinking  *** Who was the first person to ride a bicycle? Think about it for a second. Did you ever learn how to ride a bicycle? Odds are very good that at some point in your life you did. And so far…

SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 21) Best personal trait: Optimism Worst personal trait: Optimism *** An overly optimistic Sagittarius can’t stop coughing for two weeks straight. His wife keeps nagging at him to get it checked out (she’s probably a Virgo — they love minor aggravations, and a Sagittarius can be a gold mine of those), so…

Astrologically, the romantic outlook for the next month or so reminds me of an old joke, which happens to be one of my favorites. Here it is in sanitized format for the delicate ears and eyes of the Beliefnet reader. A young bull and an old bull are standing at the top of the hill,…

MARCH! It sounds like an order, doesn’t it? Well, if it is an order, no one is particularly obeying. In the Northern Hemisphere everyone gets excited because it’s supposed to be the first month of Spring. In the Southern Hemisphere it’s the alleged start of Autumn. In Ecuador? Business as usual, mostly. Really though, March often delivers…

Earth. Third planet from its solar primary. A planet whose native dominant intelligent species has, in a remarkably short period of time, developed the science and technology to change the shape of their world and their destinies, for better or worse. Without one unifying theological or philosophical worldview, Earth’s inhabitants end up relying (without even…

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