Oh My Stars

Here’s the most important astrological forecast of the month. Really? Yes! Why? Knowing when the Moon Void of Course is happening is probably the handiest of all the common astrological techniques. Learn it, make it work for you, and save yourself tons of unnecessary aggravation! Seriously: you want to see what REAL astrology can REALLY…

(This is one of a series in which I try to show you how an astrologer can give you practical understanding that gets practical results. We all need a bit of that sometimes, don’t we?) TK writes: “When was my solar return?” Dear TK: There are two answers to that. The short answer is “that…

(Part one is HERE.) I first worked on a Psychic 900 line in the early 1990s, during the heyday of Miss Cleo. I was fortunate to have worked for two companies where the employees had genuine talent. Yes, there were some fakes and some frauds, but they didn’t last long. And yes, dear Skeptics, I…

(I’m interrupting my current run of “Ask An Astrologer” blog entries… in which I’m trying to show the practical results you can get from a consultation… to bring you a two-part blog entry about a recent death. Part Two will be my take on the entire 900 line industry and my personal experiences within it.)…

(This is one of a series in which I try to show you how an astrologer can give you practical understanding that gets practical results. We all need a bit of that sometimes, don’t we?) FN asks: “Am I naturally someone who is meant to be single? I am curious as am always dating but…

LAST TIME: I answered a reader’s question about her confusion around a career path (click here to read it). Now, I’ll demonstrate how it’s all put together. So, my dear BC… after reading my delineation of how your birth chart can point the way to a career… did you notice there were no quick and…

BC writes: “Just wanted to ask for some help on my career house. Being born during the time that everyone had Uranus in conjunction to Neptune, mine is in my 10th house in Capricorn. With my Sun in Pisces (12th house) and moon in Leo (5th house) I’m just having some issues figuring out what…

The Moon in Pisces this Friday and Saturday will make for a happy, sensitive, and caring vibe throughout the weekend, with a couple of temporary glitches. Friday evening the Moon is square Saturn, which could make for a little moping and some hurt feelings. Later that evening/early Saturday morning the Moon’s conjunction with Neptune might…

(EDITOR’S NOTE: Matthew Currie is unavailable today due to transiting Whatever square his Blahblahblah — hey, he’s an astrologer, we aren’t. In the meantime we would like to present some Sponsored Content. You know, that thing where you’re reading an article on some news site and then you realize it was just a big ad…

(EDITOR’S NOTE: Matthew Currie is in the hospital, recovering from having an infected Chiron removed. In his absence we present answers to your questions from a guest blogger, astrologer and author of several autobiographies Ilsa Spamalot, who is really very famous and it’s not her fault if you haven’t heard of her.) Dear Astrologer: I…

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