Oh My Stars

Your introduction to Jupiter in Libra is HERE, and more info on how all this applies to you personally (and those around you) is HERE. Please note that this is covering the transit of Jupiter in Libra to your birth chart, based on your Rising Sign. There is some applicability if you go by Sun…

(Exciting update at the end of this blog entry!) Star Trek is celebrating its 50th Anniversary this month. I’ve done a little digging around and have come to two very important conclusions about the astrology involved: 1) The birth charts you see all over the Internet for the premiere of Star Trek are, in fact,…

In a moment, your Weekly Astrology Forecast, containing useful and enlightening guidance that will help you manage the week ahead. But first, a word from our sponsor. ***ADVERTISEMENT*** You may have heard recently that The International Union for Conservation of Nature has declared that the Giant Panda is no longer an endangered species. If you’re…

Even if you aren’t particularly interested in your own prospects for fame and fortune, this blog entry demonstrates in clear and spooky detail just how well astrology can work.  It’s instructive. Go with me on this, okay? *** There is no one sure-fire way to spot if a person will become famous in their birth…

Rightly or wrongly, the Signs have certain reputations. Aries is impatient, Gemini is talkative, and so on. Libra is the Sign most closely associated with relationships, so there is a certain optimism that as Jupiter moves into Libra next week there will be a run on marriage license applications in the next year. Obviously astrology…

Here are the astrological headlines for September 2016… What does the September 1st Eclipse mean for you? Click here to find out! Jupiter enters Libra this month! Click here to find out how to take advantage of it! *** Here’s the most important astrological forecast of the month. Really? Yes! Why? Knowing when the Moon…

Once again, Mercury has turned retrograde and stays that way until September 21st, causing widespread panic and confusion among the easily panicked and confused. I have assembled some helpful information that will nurse you through these dark days. You’re welcome. *** Frequently Asked Questions about Mercury Retrograde *** How can I mitigate the potential harm…

As the old saying goes, good news is no news. Astrology is far from negative or pessimistic in and of itself, but all too often that is the experience many people have with astrology. To a certain extent that’s understandable. The Evening News never starts with a long list of all the places that didn’t…

Are you sitting comfortably? Good. Would you like more tea? Okay. Have you tried the lemon slices? They were made fresh this morning. Excellent. Now that you are all nice and relaxed, it’s time to talk about the September 1st Solar Eclipse in Virgo. Now just calm down there a second, okay? Whenever I find…

As any astrologer can tell you, Neptune is the planet most associated with delusion and self-deception. Furthermore, a planet is particularly strong when it is in the Sign that it rules. So it’s perhaps no surprise that Neptune in Pisces has brought us a new and modern twist on delusion: clickbait. If you are unfamiliar…

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