Oh My Stars

Imagine for a moment that Western astrology and Vedic astrology are two separate camps located near each other out in the woods. They engage in largely the same practices, but each camp has their own particular spin on thing and speaks in their own special dialect. For the most part though they tend to ignore…

The issue of relationships come up a lot in my line of work. Astrologers have been looking at the dynamics of how people relate to each other — and have even put together many arranged marriages — for centuries now. So it’s natural that we would have a number of techniques that involve determining how…

Astrologers fall all over themselves trying to explain how Neptune works in a birth chart and in transits. Liz Greene wrote a brilliant, phone-book-sized volume about it that still came out largely as a stack of metaphors. I’ve tried to boil down Neptune into simple, easy to understand terms today. And in the tradition of…

Last time, I covered the basics of what one looks at in the birth chart as far as potential for marriage or long-term relationships. This time, we get into the heavy duty technical details of one specific relationship facing difficult times. If you love that sort of thing, read on — it will illustrate the…

GN writes: Is the present marriage that I am in likely to end, when, under what circumstances, and will there be another for me, and when? Your question is a particularly complicated one to answer, but very typical of what an astrologer deals with on a regular basis. Astrology is not entirely fatalistic and mechanical.…

Today, transiting Mars is exactly conjunct my natal Mercury. This is often a time when one gets irrational and starts arguing with people over things that normally wouldn’t be provocative, or that you could ignore. Thus, I sat down to write an angry rant that really doesn’t have much to do with astrology, based on…

(This is one of a series in which I try to show you how an astrologer can give you practical understanding that gets practical results. We all need a bit of that sometimes, don’t we?) Part One, which was a more general discussion of Medical Astrology, is HERE. Here in Part Two, we get more…

(This is one of a series in which I try to show you how an astrologer can give you practical understanding that gets practical results. We all need a bit of that sometimes, don’t we?) GA writes: “I have been in poor health since late 2013. I have neurological and muscular difficulties as well as…

I’ve been doing a little Internet archaeology recently attempting to determine an answer to the all important question: what was the first astrology blog, ever? If you put “first astrology blog ever” into Google, the first result you will get in most cases is incorrect. So I decided to do a little digging through the…

(EDITOR’S NOTE: Matthew Currie will not be writing this blog today, as he is currently in court awaiting charges relating to a drunken brawl with a quincunx. In his place, we present a Special Guest Astrologer whose comments we retrieved from our spam folder. Thank you for your patience.) In response to Ask An Astrologer:…

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