Oh My Stars

One of the most unfair characterizations about Gemini is that they switch back and forth between two entirely different personalities. This completely dismisses the Gemini capacity to be several people more or less simultaneously. Have you ever had one of those phone calls to Customer Service where they keep transferring you from one department to…

(Scene: The bridge of the USS Enterprise. The crew is at their stations doing their jobs as the ship approaches an enormous astrological birth chart. KIRK sits in the command chair while DR. MCCOY stands beside him, looking at the main viewscreen. At the Science Station, SPOCK gazes into his viewer intently.) KIRK: (V.O.) Captain’s…

Looking for love this weekend? Looking for a good time with someone new? Well, I’m sorry — I do readings and I’m not into that sort of thing, no matter how well it pays (rimshot). But if you are in a relationship, or looking for a new one, or simply want to socialize over the…

(Click HERE for the Introduction to the “How To Think With Your Venus” series.) Usually, Signs that are right next to each other don’t seem to have a whole lot in common. However, the last set of neighbors in the Zodiac have a common quality: they’re both a bit… weird. Aquarius wears a tinfoil hat…

(Click HERE for the Introduction to the “How To Think With Your Venus” series.) Both Venus in Sagittarius and Venus in Capricorn can be (as befits their symbols) animals in bed, and/or when pursuing the object of their desires. That may sound like fun until you realize that a Goat will climb almost anything in…

(Click HERE for the Introduction to the “How To Think With Your Venus” series.) Love: is it the sweetest thing, or is it a battlefield? That’s the primary difference in the approaches that Venus in Libra and Venus in Scorpio take to the people and/or things that they love. Libra is ruled by Venus, so…

(Click HERE for the Introduction to the “How To Think With Your Venus” series.) Love can be a great adventure, but it can also be a source of infection. Between Leo and Virgo, both possibilities are covered.  Nobody is perfect, and both these Venus placements have their pros and cons. Venus in Leo is fun…

Here’s the most important astrological forecast of the month. Really? Yes! Why? Knowing when the Moon Void of Course is happening is probably the handiest of all the common astrological techniques. Learn it, make it work for you, and save yourself tons of unnecessary aggravation! Seriously: you want to see what REAL astrology can REALLY…

(UPDATE: There is a documentary about this debacle now on Netflix, and it’s well worth watching. There’s also one on Hulu I haven’t seen yet. If I can track down birth data for co-founder Billy McFarland I’ll be returning to this subject) Like many a Pisces, singer songwriter and actor Ja Rule (born February 29…

(Click HERE for the Introduction to the “How To Think With Your Venus” series.) Oh, Love: so rare, so precious, so damned annoying… at least (potentially) from the perspective of  Venus in Gemini and Venus in Cancer. Venus in Gemini loves being in love as much as the next guy (and enjoys the chase) but…

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