Oh My Stars

(Click HERE for the Introduction to the “How To Think With Your Venus” series.) For thousands of years poets and philosophers have commented on the complexities of the human heart and how difficult it can be to find True Love — and that was before people had to remember their username and password on a…

“But I don’t want to go among mad people,” Alice remarked. “Oh, you can’t help that,” said the Cat: “we’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad.” “How do you know I’m mad?” said Alice. “You must be,” said the Cat, “or you wouldn’t have come here.” -Alice’s Adventures In Wonderland *** (No real spoilers…

Everybody loves Venus. In your birth chart she rules your love style, the things you like to do when you feel lazy, and your fondness for sweets, among other things. These are all things we spend a lot of our time striving for, and these things are also the source of a lot of our…

I’m so glad you came to me in your darkest hour, Bill. That’s a large part of what I do when I consult with people about their birth charts. Normally, the process of doing a reading involves a lot of back and forth, questions and answers, and conversation in general. That’s not what I’m going…

First, a couple of definitions: “Mainstream Media” (MSM): Any organization or individual that makes money off of getting your attention with things you think aren’t true. EXAMPLE: Any source that reports something you don’t want to hear about a politician or other news story that you want to believe in. “Brave Truth Teller”: Any organization…

(Some spoilers for the first two seasons of The Leftovers, but really you should have watched those by now, because it’s that damned good) Much of what I do as an astrologer is look at people’s transits: the things that the Universe is doing with (and to) a person at any given time. Often as…

Corporations have birth charts just like people do, and are subject to transits in much the same way. If you know much about astrology, and I told you I knew someone who was experiencing transiting Pluto square their natal Saturn, transiting Saturn square their natal Pluto, and transiting Jupiter opposite natal Saturn and transiting Uranus…

Don Rickles, the worlds greatest Insult Comedian, (May 8/1926, New York City – April 6, 2017) *** Don Rickles was a Taurus. Like most Tauruses, he was kind of slow and lazy. In fact, his pulse stopped twelve years ago and he only started decomposing today. That may be because he has Sun square Neptune…

Kendall Jenner, yet another member of the Jenner-Kardashian hairball coughed up from America’s celebrity-obsessed subconscious, recently appeared in a two and a half minute long Pepsi ad posted on YouTube. This, in and of itself, is not big news. The reason this ad is getting so much attention is… well, heck, don’t take my word…

(Since The Moon is often associated with the conditions of one’s childhood, here’s Part Twelve of a twelve-part series about the Moon in your birth chart — your emotional comfort zone — written from both the perspective of a standard astrological interpretation and a children’s story from the perspective of each Moon Sign. I’ll tuck…

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