Oh My Stars

Who doesn’t love the appeal of that “strange visitor from another world” that is Aquarius? These people tend to have a peculiar sort of glamour to them, even when they’re not trying to. Admittedly, tough, they can be hard to figure out for the rest of us. If you want to get started on seducing…

Capricorn has a reputation for being firmly in control of themselves and, as much as possible, their resources. This Sign is usually more associated with bosses and banking than with sex and seduction, but there can be something undeniably sexy about these folks. Looking to enthrall one of your very own? Read on (but CLICK…

Ready for an adventure? Then why not try to strap a saddle on a Sagittarius? They have a reputation for being fun and freewheeling and, frankly, to be easier to catch than to keep. Sometimes it’s a matter of getting the Centaur’s attention, and sometimes it’s more a matter of keeping it. Either way, seduction…

It’s an undeniable fact of life that sometimes we go through difficult phases and face major challenges. In astrology these are reflected by difficult transits, often involving Saturn. But one thing is for sure though: if you stick around long enough, the bad times change and better times come. Here is my interview with comedian…

There’s no question that we are living in what can be confusing and frightening times. If you are already perplexed at life, and you know some astrology, it’s all too easy to get freaked out by the fact that both Saturn and Pluto are in Capricorn, or that Chiron is about to enter Aries. Fear…

(CLICK HERE for the month’s major aspects!) Here’s the most important astrological forecast of the month. Really? Yes! Why? Knowing when the Moon Void of Course is happening is probably the handiest of all the common astrological techniques. Learn it, make it work for you, and save yourself tons of unnecessary aggravation! Seriously: you want…

A typical horoscope lays out what you can expect for yourself in the next week or month based on your Sun Sign. That sort of thing is great, sure… especially if you happen to be the only person on your planet. Astrology, like life in general, is a lot more complicated than “there are twelve…

Yes, it’s absolutely true: Scorpio has the reputation for being more about the sex than any other Sign of the Zodiac. Is that a fair characterization, when the other eleven Signs seems pretty fond of it too? Maybe not. But one thing is for sure: few can play their cards closer to the vest when…

Libras have a reputation for being generally pleasant, and for wanting to make their environments and the people in them as comfortable and/or “pretty” as possible. There is a certain amount of truth to that, but never forget that Libras are humans first, and as a result can be just as pushy and obnoxious as…

It’s amazing how much useful information can be learned from an astrology reading, about your personality and potential, and past, present, and future concerns. But if you’ve never had a reading yourself, you might not be aware of the kind of insights it can give you. With my new podcast, I’m hoping to show the…

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