Make Your Relationship Work

Here’s the thing about apologizing like a man – you can’t actually apologize like a man, you have to apologize like a woman. The way men and women view apologizing is totally different, and the way men view it is, frankly, pretty antiquated. Writes Sam Margulies on Psychology blog: Men tend to view apologies as humiliating and a loss…

Majority of us are quick to judge. One of the things we easily dismiss as for losers or people who are “ugly” is speed dating. Au contraire, we are all about it and because I want to mold you into a better man with better perspective, I am going to tell you why you should give it a go.…

If you happen to be dating a woman who eats, sleeps and breathes work, then you are probably having some issues. That’s if you are not a workaholic yourself. But of course, there will always be downsides as well as upsides. You just have to know how to adjust if you really like the person.…

So, you’ve been dating a nice young lady for a few weeks. Everything seems to be going OK, but there are little nagging signs that may say otherwise. It’s very normal to question things when they seem so perfect. It’s also not uncommon for women to play the same dating games that guys are known…

Ok, say you’ve been with your girl for a year or two. Or in my case, married for 12 years (that feel like 60, oy!). Remember there was a key date you had that just killed? The date where you went to a bar on a Sunday afternoon in the rain and killed two bottles…

Having just answered by email a question on how to know if a married man is flirting with you, I thought I’d one up myself in the immoral dept. and use this week’s blog to post my indisputable list of ways to make your man jealous. I got that question a week or two ago…

Do you know what you’re looking for in a partner? This question is just as important for the seasoned dater as it is for the newest single among us. Sure, maybe at this point you want a broad range of search options. Maybe you think it doesn’t matter if he’s a Plumber’s assistant, even though…

A lot of guys ask me “Alex, how do I know if a first date went well?” It’s an important question. The first date sets the template for all future dates, but sometimes it can be difficult to interpret. People often have a hard time revealing themselves to strangers—they have their guard up, and at…

Mixing business with pleasure is risky. You have one too many drinks at the holiday party and, suddenly, that sexy young blonde you’ve been eyeing from across the office is in your bed. Maybe you realize you don’t even like her personality in the morning. Or you’re into it, but you’re worried about what people will…

With everyone plugged in to Facebook and Buzz, blogging and Tweeting and updating their BBM statuses, it’s pretty difficult to avoid finding out what your crush is up to. But there’s a fine line between curious and creepy. So … how should you reveal your stalking to members of the opposite sex? A lot of people…

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