
Le mensonge et la crédulité s’accouplent et engendrent l’Opinion. Lying and credulity mate and engender Opinion. Paul Valéry One man can shake the world’s most powerful government. What chance would it have against many? I am currently in the process of drafting an article, titled “A World Beyond Nations”, possibly to appear at The Venus Project…

Les maux de la résistances sont grands, je le sais, mais de la résignation ne sont-ils pas mille pire ! The evils of resistance are great, I know, but of resignation are they not a thousand worse! Prosper-Olivier Lissagaray Stratfor recently made a “prediction” about Russia’s future. We expect Moscow’s authority to weaken substantially, leading to…

L’imagination est la reine du vrai, et le possible est une des provinces du vrai. Imagination is the queen of truth, and the possible is one of the provinces of truth. Charles Baudelaire It’s easy to mock dictatorships for being too sensitive and prone to censor information that incriminates them, but are our governments any…

L’histoire nous libère des entraves History frees us from the shackles Henri-Irénée Marrou In a place of elite commentary and closed exclusive media with no reader engagement, is there freedom of speech? Image used at my column based with Iran’s Press TV website With the exception of blogs like this one and certain columns at…

Hélas! tout est abîme, — action, désir, rêve, Parole! Everything, alas, is an abyss, — actions, desires, dreams, Words! Charles Baudelaire Even as the war in Syria (more like the war on Syria, as squabbling foreign powers try to plot the country’s future) rages on, something has changed. In 2013, John Kerry was predicting that the Syrian secular…

L’information ne se comporte pas du tout comme la matière : contrairement à un caillou, elle n’a pas de position spatiale ni temporelle et on peut à loisir la dupliquer, la partager, la résumer, la supprimer… The information does not behave at all like the matter: unlike a stone, it has no temporal or spatial…

Le scélérat a ses vertus, comme l’honnête homme a ses faiblesses. The villain has his virtues, like the honest man has his weaknesses. Pierre Choderlos de Laclos The first ever online conference among available Mont Order participants has been organized, and is likely to be broadcast by live stream Saturday. Ahead of this potential meeting, the live stream video…

La grandeur du crime est la seule différence qu’il y ait entre un conquérant et un brigand. The magnitude of the crime is the only difference there is between a conqueror and a robber. Jean-Paul Marat Governments and their hit-men aren’t morally higher than lone gunmen, and they certainly aren’t more morally justified to kill or steal.…

Dans un état bien ordonné, la liberté de la presse doit être illimitée pour les écrivains qui surveillent les fonctionnaires publics. In a well-ordered state, freedom of the press must be unlimited for writers who monitor public officials. Jean-Paul Marat Good news. One of my books, priced at Amazon, is available for free as a paper…

Les hommes de génie sont des météores destinés à brûler pour éclairer leur siècle. Men of genius are shooting stars destined to burn to light their century. Napoleon Bonaparte Once again, the Battle for the Net is at a critical juncture. Please don’t turn away from this post. This concerns your Internet, your one historic refuge…

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