Reader Question: My daughter has been diagnosed with depression. The pediatrician is recommending she take an antidepressant. She is only 11-years -old and I am not sure this is a good idea. She is depressed and there are reasons for her depression. What are your thoughts about putting children on antidepressants?  Trust me, you are…

Daily, Rachel feels the urge to post pictures of her relationship all over social media. She has pictures on Instagram and Facebook posts about marrying the greatest guy on earth, etc. Her sister, who knows Rachel’s relationship, has questioned her as to how much of her posting is an attempt to make her  look good…

Have you ever thought, “I haven’t posted in social media for awhile. I don’t know what is going on?” Then you feel guilty and worry that you have somehow missed something important. Actually, those anxious feelings could be a good thing if you tolerate them. A break from social media might be saving your mental health,…

If you ask, one out of three teens say they feel psychologically distressed. And the number of teens who report signs of depression and anxiety that reach a clinical level has increased in the past few years. So is anything new or different that seems to be creating additional angst in the teen years? Yes, we have…

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