The Bliss Blog

  I woke up in the wee hours this morning as if hearing a call. It was from my dear friend and co-parent Phil, who along with his wife Janet, helped me raise my son. He crossed over a year ago today. I have known her since the late 70’s and him since the early 80’s.…

Last night I had the opportunity to watch one of my favorite Robin Williams movies. A lesser known film called Toys, it is the tale of delight and wonder, juxtaposed with darkness and fear; the yin and yang of life. The role seemingly custom made for him, Robin plays a boy-man, a kid in an…

I grew up immersed in the music of Rogers and Hammerstein. My parents had albums of their creations that included South Pacific, Oklahoma, and Carousel and what a joy it was to sing along with my mom. I watched The King and I and waltzed across the living room floor to the sound of Yul Brynner…

An iconic figure, whose love for and devotion to children worldwide, is gloriously feated in a newly released film, called Won’t You Be My Neighbor? As I sat in the darkened County Theater in my little town of Doylestown, PA, the clock rolled back to the year I turned 5 (1963) and onto the small (Black and…

  A mama story. This shirt always reminds me of my mother. It isn’t because she was a tie-dyed crunchy granola tree hugging hippie like her daughter. When she was in the hospital back in 2010, I was visiting her in South Florida where she and my dad had lived since 1989, having retired and…

Lately, the world has been too much with me. As an empath, my compassion for those who are suffering goes deeper than it might otherwise. I can’t turn my head or my heart away and pretend that it doesn’t exist. With the daily assault against decency that takes the form of the words and actions…

A sunny, breezy time at the Jersey shore town of Belmar beckoned beguilingly. My friends Ondreah and Lisa and I piled into Lisa’s SUV and headed North for a day-cation. The car was packed with coolers, towels, sunscreen, and snacks. As we approached the beach, I could feel my stress melting away like a drippy ice…

  I love to ponder the thread that connects people and events. Roll back the clock to 1972. Sitting on a wooden slatted bench, painted blue if memory serves, two chlorinated, sun-burned latex bathing-suited 14-year-olds struck up a conversation. Swimming on “two different teams together,” according to one of them, that chat (I don’t even recall…

Awake before the sun peeks over the horizon, to the sound of chirping birds. Eyes open, heart open, body a bit fatigued and rather confused. It thinks it is still five hours later since, for 10 days, where I was living, it was. Time can be a confounding and fascinating thing. At birth, we are…

The clock reads 7:45 a.m. I am listening to my favorite radio station WXPN and simultaneously preparing for a typical workday of writing and clients and a dream of a lifetime trip to Ireland. A few last minute details, including packing and I am on my way across the pond. Heart racing in both anticipation and…

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