The Bliss Blog

After a few days of weather wildness, I ventured out and went to the Planet Fitness for a much-needed workout. Afterward, I headed over to a store to peruse and purchase workout clothes. Found some cute stuff as a reward for my commitment to fitness. Overheard a the checkout line a conversation that had me smiling. A mom…

Writing this as I snuggle under the covers, listening to my favorite radio station WXPN from whence comes all sorts of music to tickle my ears and delight my soul. The wind outside my house sounds like a freight train as the  (hopefully) last hurrah of winter in early March. Perhaps the metaphor of the month coming…

In conversation with a college student, the topic of confidence arose. He admits that he is not confident about much, despite being adept at many things. I asked him to list what he is good at and he was reluctantly able to acknowledge a few accomplishments that got him to this point in his life. What…

Had an interesting conversation with a young woman sitting next to me at one of my favorite healthy restaurants called Always Cafe.  It is where I go to take a breather from seeing clients in my therapy practice. It feeds the body, mind, and spirit of this crunchy granola hippie child, so I can return rejuvenated.…

  My friend Cass Forkin invited a few friends and me to be her guests at the 50th Annual Four Chaplains awards Banquet at which would be honored as Humanitarian of the Year. Cass is the Director of the Twilight Wish Foundation which grants wishes for seniors. Their mission “is to honor and enrich the lives of…

This past weekend, I immersed myself in the juicy, playful, light, lovely, dark, soul deep, bone marrow core, Earth-shaking, birth-giving, uplifting, dance ’til you drop,  life-enhancing, righteously angry, shadowy, frightening, flirtatious, fluid realm of womanhood when I attended the Womanly Arts Experience created by Regena Thomashauer (a.k.a. Mama Gena). I had heard of her back in the…

  Writing this with a sty in my eye, obscuring my physical vision, but not blurring my insight. What is surprising is that this time the impairment is on my right side. Over the past few years, I have had shingles, kidney stones, plantar fasciitis, a heart attack and a Bakers’ Cyst, all on the…

Listening to the show called Sleepy Hollow on my favorite radio station,WXPN, as is my Saturday and Sunday morning ritual. It starts my weekends off with sonic sweetness as it offers easing- me- out -of -or lounging- in -bed mode. This morning it is the second as I prep for a day that I know will…

Nothing justifies saying silent when I see injustice being done. These words came to me on the eve of the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King. Seems like something he would have gotten behind. A come clean here: there were times in my life when I didn’t voice my opinion for fear of rocking the boat,…

One of the things I love about Facebook is that it reminds me of events that my middle-aged (now in my 6th decade) mind sometimes allows to slip through the cracks. I call them my ‘wise woman moments,’ since the older we get, the wiser we can become. I smile with delight at the daily gifts…

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