
The clock reads 7:45 a.m. I am listening to my favorite radio station WXPN and simultaneously preparing for a typical workday of writing and clients and a dream of a lifetime trip to Ireland. A few last minute details, including packing and I am on my way across the pond. Heart racing in both anticipation and a wee bit of anxiety. I have wanted to travel to this country that beckons with magical fingers. I am convinced that it is a past life connection that draws me there, since (as far as I know), I have no Irish heritage. In this lifetime, my ancestors came from Russia. I have long been fascinated with the music and culture, as well as the people. Irish accents melt me. Many of my friends do have Irish heritage. Two (Jacinta and Colman) were born there and now live in the States. Another (Yvonne) finds it to be her heart’s home, since her sweetheart who has since passed, traveled there with her. We agreed that John will be with me as my celestial tour guide. I have packed two pictures of him. My husband (also on the other side of the veil) told me about his great-grandfather who he never met, who came from County Clare.

The words of John O’Donohue speak to my soul as well. In his writings, he popularized the Celtic concept of anam cara, which translates to ‘soul friend’ in English. We will be visiting his gravesite on the Muse Juice Tour, led by the colorfully creative team of Angi Sullins and Silas Toball, wife and husband from Taos, New Mexico. I discovered their work back in 2003 when I was led to watch a video called A Knock at the Door. Mystical, magical, it set my heart leaping and soul dancing.  Fast forward and I am approaching my 60th birthday this October. After a series of health challenges and loss of loved ones, I was poignantly reminded that life is fleeting and that living juicy, slurping from the bottom of the glass is much more fulfilling than anything else I can imagine and that the trip would be my gift to myself.

I put out a call to the Universe, asking to be guided to the absolute best way to enjoy the Emerald Isle, wanting Spirit to be my tour guide. Shortly afterward, Angi, who I had not yet met (in this lifetime), reached out to inquire about incorporating a piece of my writing into her work. I was honored and amused at the way the Universe brings people together. Within a week or so after friending each other on Facebook, I noticed that this Renaissance couple was leading a tour to….Ireland! I jumped on board that day. I know that once we take that leap into new experiences, the journey has already begun. I took care of the details that go into such a monumental (for me, since I am not a frequent flyer, although I have traveled more in the past four years since the heart attack than I had in the previous two decades) undertaking. Checking items off the list (at this writing, I still need to pick up a few things and pack), felt rewarding. In the meantime, the butterflies, labeled anticipation and anxiety were having a dance-off in my stomach. Reassuring myself that all will flow with ease and grace, I am counting the hours until I board the plane and wing my way there.

I will be toting a beautiful suitcase that my son and daughter-in-law surprised me with as a Mother’s Day gift. I describe the color as bubble gum-meets-Pink Panther-meets Pepto Bismal. Lauren laughingly reminded me that it will be easy to spot on the baggage carousel.

Image may contain: Edie Weinstein, sitting, eyeglasses and indoor

A few weeks ago, I experienced a cosmic coincidence related to my trip. My friend Jodi and I took the train from Doylestown to Philly for the World Laughter Day event as Laughter Yoga Leaders. When we got to Suburban Station, we headed to the potty. There, I noticed a woman carrying a big bouquet of red flowers and I commented on how beautiful they were. She smiled and said she was giving them to her twin grand-daughters who were performing today in a show. We then went on our way and did our Laughter Yoga thang. On the way back, we caught the train and got on at 30th Street Station, which was one down from the one at which we arrived. We were sitting down and in walks the woman from the bathroom, minus the flowers, of course. We smiled and shook our heads at the serendipity/synchronicity of it as she sat across the aisle from us. We rode together for about 30 minutes and talked about her grandchildren, her job as a nurse, the state of the world, the Women’s March, and that she was going to the Sellersville Theater that night. Turns out that Jodi had lived in Sellersville and was able to give her directions. We told her about Laughter Yoga and she liked the idea of it. In her line of work, it would benefit her. Heck, I can’t think of anyone it wouldn’t benefit!

Part 2… I noticed a man and his young son a few rows back. The little guy who looked to be about two or three was crying and dad was attempting to comfort him. I always carry some kind of kid-friendly thing, like bubbles, stickers or feathers. I pulled out a feather and asked if he wanted it. He declined, but I gave it to dad in case he changed his mind. I asked if he had a fun day. He started to crack a smile. His dad explained that he had just woken up from a nap. I told him that I sometimes get cranky too. A little more smile. As I was listening to his father talk, I asked, “Do I detect an Irish accent?” He smiled and said ‘Yes.” I’m thinking that this guy looks really familiar but I couldn’t place him. I told him that I was going to Ireland soon and he told me to have a good time. I introduced myself to him and when he told me his name, I had a sense of who he was and how I knew him. Turns out that we met back in 2013 when we both spoke at a Mo’Monday (Motivational Monday) event. Afterward, I had asked him, “Where does a vegetarian teetotaler go in Ireland?” His response was “Darlin’ a vegetarian teetotaler doesn’t go to Ireland. She goes to Ohio.” I looked back at my PM here on Facebook and saw a thread of conversation that chronicled that. Remember that, Jacinta? You told me back then that as a vegetarian teetotaler, you COULD tell me where to go. (: What a sense of humor the Universe has. Had we gotten on at our original station, we wouldn’t have encountered these folks.

I am planning on doing FREE Hugs while there. Last year, as I was offering them in Philadelphia, I encountered this woman from Dublin and we hugged it out. In a few days, I will be embracing people in her homeland.

Image may contain: 2 people, including Edie Weinstein

I am trusting that this journey will reap as yet unknown rewards, unearth treasures, call into my life kindred spirits (anam cara) and inspire so many more words and so much love. Catch you on the other side of it.



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