Beginner's Heart

Today, despite my many gifts, blessings, my happy life, et al., I was feeling a tad sorry for myself. Nothing major, I assure you. Just moving blues. I’ve spent years establishing myself in my hometown as a writer, a credible writing resource. Someone who doesn’t just talk the talk, but who works to publish, who…

This spider web is a snapshot of how I see my life. Which I guess makes me the spider, at the centre…? Not my favourite self-image! But nonetheless more accurate than not. A spider builds her web, however — she doesn’t inherit it. It’s not created by the interactions of other beings (although the rips…

This disturbing woodcut is brought to you by the talented Dr. Mark Sisson, art professor at Oklahoma State University. He offered it to help make a desperately misunderstood point. Our state — like many others — is debating allowing guns in schools. The rationale is that if teachers have guns, there will be no more…

As part of a lawsuit I’m involved with, I was asked to see if I had taken any notes concerning the event under question. Because I keep a journal, which travels with me almost everywhere. In the 30+ years I’ve kept it regularly (and the many more erratic years before that), I’ve only lost 2.…

So here I am: excited, frightened, happy, sad. In other words? Life as usual, but on steroids. WE HAVE A NEW HOUSE! And it’s by my beloved grandson (and his parents)! On a half-acre lot, with beautiful trees, and a resident bluebird couple (I saw them!). It’s smaller than this house — which I wanted — but…

I am now an official, seasoned Amtrak traveller: I have taken a coffin-shower bath. This is it: big enough to stand up   in, and w/ surprisingly good pressure. Considering I on this next leg from Chicago to Fort Worth for 24 hours, I’m just glad for the access! In places where I’ve lived, running water —…

The first leg of my 2+ days on the train. Despite getting up at 4 in the morning (& not sleeping well before that!), I couldn’t sleep on this first 4-hour trip. Too excited. Instead, I looked out the window, thinking of all the ways the landscape was like/unlike other landscapes. Of how trains are…

Today was ‘look at houses’ day. Funny how pictures bear so little resemblance to the real thing. When I taught, I used to give my students postcards from a local museum prior to a field trip. They were to write about the postcards before we went to the museum, then find the actual painting/ sculpture/…

Looking for a house is hard. Looking while recognising that this will be your long-term home — not a rental, not a summer vacation — is even harder. You find yourself confronting unspoken pre-reqs. And sometimes, unfortunately, even the happiest of couples have different pre-reqs. Which makes for…interesting conversations. 🙂 My beloved & I are…

 This is how we spent two hours Friday: lined up to cross the French Broad River bridge. TWICE. (I’ve been calling it the French Bread River Basin since then; it is neither broad nor bread, but certainly it’s worth poking fun at). And here’s the catch: we didn’t have to cross it even once, much less twice:…

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