Because This Is Your Life

Here is one of the most interesting questions you’ll ever ask yourself which can make a major difference in how you live your life… “What exactly is the truth?” At first, many people upon asking this question will ask it from the perspective of what is true versus what appears to be false. Another way…

Here’s something that I haven’t spoken about too often with you. The surprising thing about this is the fact that my background and what has led me to where I am today is actually centered around this very thing. What I’m referring to is the importance of your physical health. With that being said I’d…

Here’s something that shouldn’t come as a surprise to you… And that is the daily stress that occurs in your life. Whether it’s going to your job you don’t like, your current financial situation which has you in survival mode, people you come across who push your buttons, or as some would say the “daily…

There’s a worldwide epidemic that’s spreading and it seems like there’s no end in sight. And it affects your life in a large way. What I’m referring to is your ability to stay focused. Here’s something that is both amazing and alarming at the same time… The average adult loses their focus every 6-10 seconds.…

Here’s a question I want you to ask yourself and be honest about when you answer it… “What type of life are you living?” No matter how you answered this question realize that you have just taken the next step in the right direction. Why? Because when you take the time and look at your…

During the course of your life you have days where it appears that you’re more “up” than “down.” Then there’s other days where it appears that you’re more “down” than “up.” Does this sound familiar? Let’s go a step further… I’m sure you’ve also experienced moments of time in your life that seemed like you…

There’s a 4 letter word that others have called you many times. Not only that but you’ve also called yourself this same 4 letter word many times. The word I’m referring to is “lazy.” I’ll put it more eloquently and use the word “procrastination” instead. How many times have you set out to do something…

Here is something I want you to give some more thought to and become aware of. I’m sure you’ve gone out to many places and been around many people. This can be at your job, going out to a store, eating at a restaurant, picking up food at the grocery store, and the other places…

I’d like you to take a moment and do some self reflection here. Even if you have done this already, I want you to really ask yourself, “What is my place in this world?” It may sound like a simple question but it is an important one. If you find yourself saying, “I’ve done this…

As strange and sometimes counter intuitive as it seems one of the biggest things that holds people back from truly having what they want is not feeling worthy and deserving. In fact, many times people are not even aware of this and then will attribute it to something else, which has nothing to do with…

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